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现在完成时态 语法练习课 时态 不同时间发生的动作 动词要用不同 形式 已学习过的时态 名称时间时间 动词动词 形式 一般现现在时时 平时时 经经 常 现现在进进行时时 正在进进行 一般将来时时即将 计计划 1 will shall v原形 2 am is are going to v原形 一般过过去时时 过过去 与 现现在无关 1 v ed 规则动词规则动词 2 不规则动词规则动词 过过去进进行时时 过过去某一 时间时间 在 进进行 was were v ing 1 v原形 2 v三单 am is are v ing 1 will shall v原形 2 am is are going to v原 形 1 v ed 规则动词 2 不规则动词 was were v ing 判断下列句子的时态 1 She works in a factory 2 I was doing my homework at this time yesterday 3 We are going to have a picnic this Sunday 4 They held a sports meeting last week 5 Are you helping your mother 一般现在时一般现在时 过去进行时 一般将来时 一般过去时 现在进行时 现在完成时 1 过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果 2 过去已经开始 持续到现在的动作或状态 动词构成 have has v过去分词 had breakfast I have just had my breakfast 现在我不饿 I m not hungry now moved here in 2000 I still live here I have lived here for three years I have lived here since 2000 three years ago now 现在完成时动词构成 have has v 过去分词 助动词 否定 haven t hasn t 疑问 Have you Has he 动词的过去分词形式 1 规则动词 2 不规则动词 finish finished finished live lived lived carry carried carried stop stopped stopped Eg go went gone see saw seen forget forgot forgotten I finish homework I haven t finished my homework Have you finished your homework Yes I have No I haven t I have finished my homework 1 她成为一名护士已经三年了 2 我五年前就认识李雷了 3 那些相片我已经寄给他了 post 4 我来到这个学校后 他就一直教我 5 我刚丢了我的历史书 She has been a nurse for three years I have known Lilei since five years ago I have already posted the photos to him He has taught me since I came to the school I have just lost my history book 1 for 表示一段时间的短语 2 since 表示过去时间点的词语 3 since 表示过去时间的时间状语从句 eg I have been a teacher a year He has been at this school 1992 We have learned 1 000 English words we came to this school for since since B just already yet before ever never 有此类副词时 常强调动作完成 不强调动作的持续 eg Have you been to Japan I have finished my homework I have finished my homework I haven t finished my homework ever just already yet 1 现在完成时句中常见的时间 A 表示从过去一直持续到现在 不能是具 体过去时间 2 区分短暂性动词与持续性动词 表示短暂性 瞬间性 的动词在现在完成时 的句中不能和一段时间连用 即for since 短语或how long问句 come arrive go out leave begin buy borrow join die catch a cold be at in be out be away from be on have keep be a member of be dead have a cold 改错 How long have you become a league member For more than one year Have you arrived here since last night Yes you re right The dog has died for a month He has gone to Shanghai twice How long have been at this school Since two years been been been dead been ago For Thank youThank you Bye bye Bye bye
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