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Unit1Whatshouldwedobeforehelparrives Module12Help Dangeriseverywhere safetyisimportant Youcouldfallwhenyougodownthestairsatschool It squitedangerousinthekitchenathome becausebrokenglassorknivescancutyou Movingheavyfurnitureisdangeroustoo Youcoulddropitandhurtyourfoot Weshouldknowsomethingaboutfirstaid wecangivesomeonebasicmedicalhelp Let simagineanaccident Aboyislyingatthebottomofthestairs atthebottomof在 的底部 Findoutwhat swrongwithhim Hecouldhavetroublehearingyouorspeakingtoyou havetrouble in doingsth havetroublewithsth做某事有困难 Canwelifthimup No thatcouldbeharmful liftup 抬起 提起 Makesurehe swarm Coverhimwithacoat It ssuchgoodadvicethatyoucouldbeadoctor such that 意思是 如此 以至于 Listentothedialogueandanswerthequestions 1 What sthismorning sclassabout Thismorning sclassisaboutfirstaid orgivingsomeonebasicmedicalhelp 2 Isitagoodideatoshoutforhelporcall120 Yes itis Nowreadthesefirstaidsuggestionsanddecideiftheyaregoodideas orbadideas 1Asktheboywhatiswrong 2Gethelp 3Shoutsotheboycanhearyou 4Movetheboytoamorecomfortableplace 5Makesuretheboyiswarm Let s 1 youseeaboylyingatthe 2 ofthestairs Whatshouldyoudo Callfor 3 helpimmediately Donot 4 theboyupandsithimonachair Thiscouldbe 5 forhim Readthedialogueingroupsthencompletethepassage imagine bottom medical lift bottomCoverdropharmfulimagineliftmedicalpain harmful Evenworse youmight 6 himwhileyouaremovinghim Thatwouldcausealotof 7 8 himwithacoatandmakesureheiswarm Thenwaitforthedoctorstoarrive drop pain Cover 2 Heisinpain inpain的意思是 处在疼痛之中 e g Areyoustillinpain Languagepoints 1 Aboyislyingatthebottomofthestairs atthebottomof表示 在 的底部 e g Avillageliesatthebottomofthehill 3 Firstofall findoutwhat swrongwithhim firstofall表示 首先 e g Firstofall letmetellyouthenews findout通常表示 弄明白 搞清楚 查明 e g Didtheteacherfindoutwhobrokethedoor What swrongwith 表示 怎么了 e g What swrongwiththeboy Hebrokehisleg 4 Buthecouldhavetroublehearingyouorspeakingtoyou 句中的could表示推测 e g Youcouldberight havetroubledoingsth 的意思是 做 有困难 e g Mariahastroublefindingajobandisstillstayingathome 5 Lifthimupandsithimonachair liftup表示 抬起 提起 要把代词放在中间 e g We llhavetoliftupthecartogetherout 6 Makesurehe swarm makesure的意思是 确保 保证 e g Makesureyouturnoffallthelightsbeforeyougoout 7 That ssuchgoodadvicethatyoucouldbeadoctor Betty such that 这个句型表达 如此 以至于 的意思 such后面接名词 名词前可以有形容词修饰 如果只有形容词或副词 则要使用so that 这一句型 e g Itissuchatinykitchenthatonlyonepersoncancookinit Theyaresuchnicepeoplethatwealllikethem Hewassoweakthathecouldhardlystandup EverythinghappenedsoquicklythatIhadn ttimetothink 祈使句一 定义 祈使句表达说话人对对方的叮嘱 劝告 希望 禁止 建议 请求或命令等 二 祈使句的特征 以动词原形开头 无时态和数的变化 Grammar 三 祈使句的句型 1 动词原形构成的祈使句通常省略主语you 谓语动词用原形 否定句由don t或never开头 祈使句的句首或句末有时加please 2 let构成的祈使句由 Let me us him her 动词原形 构成 这类祈使句往往用于请求允许 letus 或提出建议 let s 例如 Let sspendthisweekendinthecountryside Lethimbeherebyteno clock 3 无动词祈使句在请求 命令和口号中 常用无动词祈使句 它实际上是省略了动词 从而使语句更简洁有力 例如 Justaminute please 在一些指示牌上 常用 No 动名词 名词 构成省略的否定祈使句 例如 Nosmoking 1 Callmewhenyougethome OK A ImustB IcanC IwillD Imay2 Jim meahand A givesB isgivingC giveD willgive3 Letme ondutytoday A amB C beD do4 Let s ourtime A notwasteB nowastingC nottowasteD nowaste5 higher andyouwillseethehouse OK A IfyoustandB TostandC WhenyoustandD Stand C C C A D Choosethecorrectanswer 6 forgettowritetomewhenyou gettherenextTuesday A Don t willB Please willC Please D Don t 7 Please doit A heB heletC lethimD him8 comein please A WillB DoC Won tD Did9 careful A BedoB DobeC NotD Notdo10 letanyoneopenthedoor A Don tB WillC NotD No D C B B A 重点短语 句型firstaidatthebottomofliftupmakesureWhat swrongwith 祈使句的用法 本课小结 thehill Ifoundatelephoneandcalledthepolice A AtthebottomofB AtthetopC OnthebottomD Onthetopof2 Ifyoufindyouarein thenyoushouldstopandtakearest A payB happyC happinessD pain A 练一练 D 3 What swrong you I mfeelingbad A onB withC ofD before4 Shewill herhandwhensheknowstheanswers A liftupB liftdownC lieupD liedown B A Writeadialogueabout firstaid About50words Homework
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