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My New Teachers Period 2学习目标:1. 掌握三个单词的用法:lively,patient,amusing2. 掌握一个短语的用法:make sure 学习重点:掌握三个单词的用法:lively,patient,amusing 学习难点: 掌握一个短语的用法:make sure 【基础感知】 大声朗读单词和文章 【深入学习】1. lively 有生气的;活跃的;生动的 单词 意义用法所指lively生动活泼的;栩栩如生的; 定语或表语 人或物alive有生命的;活的;作表语或后置定语 人或物living活着的;有生命的定语或表语人或物live活的;现场直播的定语或表语 物 This is a _ show, not a recorded one. I think his father is still _. She has no _ relatives. She is a _ girl and is popular with everyone.2. patient 有耐心的;能忍受的;病人 be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心 be patient of sth. 能忍受某事 It is necessary for teachers to be patient _ students.3. amusing 有趣的;可笑的;引人发笑的 amused 感到快乐的 amusement n. 开心;愉悦 to ones amusement 使某人感到好笑的是 He began his speech with an _ story. Alice looked _ by the whole story.4. make sure 确保;确定;弄清楚;核实 make sure that 从句 保证.;确保. make sure of sth./doing sth. 保证.;确保. be sure of sth./to do sth./that. 务必做某事 for sure 确定地;肯定地 Can you make sure _ success? Make sure_ all the windows are closed before you leave. 【迁移运用】1. Be sure _ between six and seven in the evening if you really want to attend the party. 如果你真的想要参加聚会的话,一定要在晚上六点至七点之间来。2. She looked at him in _.3. My funny drawings _ the children.4. Almost no teacher can be patient_ such things.5. I do not find his jokes very _. 我不觉得他的笑话有什么可笑的。
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