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Unit 8 Adventure Lesson 2 Extreme Sports 【学习目标】1. Learning Objectives 知识目标1)To practice listening for information by using the strategies.运用听力策略听取信息2) To practice expressing preferences.练习表达爱好3)To practice using correct intonation in questions.练习使用正确的语调 4.)学习课文中出现的重点词汇和短语: risk; various; in order to; get across; back out ; be into等。2. Emotional Objectives 情感目标To learn something about extreme sports and learn to be brave. 了解极限运动,学会勇敢【重点和难点】 Objectives中1)2)4)【学法指导】Listening strategies: - Preparation.1. Before you listen, always look for clues (线索) that will help you.2. Use your knowledge of the world to predict answers to the questions.3. Pay attention to their uses & learn them by heart.动词与介词或副词构成短语动词【学习过程】(一) Preview 课前预习导学1.Translate the following key words 翻译下面核心词汇:1) 单板滑雪 2) 动力雪橇滑降 3) 流动、涌出 4) 体操、体操训练 5) 冒危险 6) 配备、设备 7) extreme adj. 极度的;极端的 adv. n.8) similarity n. 类似性;相似性 adj. adv.9) excitement n. 兴奋;激动 v. adj. adj. 10) various adj. 不同的;各种各样的 v. n.2. Match the word with the paraphrasing:1) extreme a. the fact of being similar to something else2) snowboarding b. a long wide board made of plastic, which people use to travel over snow for sport3) risk c. very great in degree4) similarity d. arrive, be present at 5) excitement e. to put sth in a situation in which it could be lost or harmed6) dull f. the state of being excited 7) turn up g. several different8) prefer h. not interesting or exciting9) various i. to run slowly10) jog j. to like sb or sth more than sb or sth else(二) Classroom learning and exploration 课堂学习和研讨 Task 2: What extreme sports do you know? Discuss with your classmates and make a list._Task 3: Listen to the tape and finish Exercise 2 according to the listening strategies you learn, and then listen for more information for exercises 4 (on Page24)(三) Classroom assessment 课堂检测 1.按所给的中文提示或首字母写单词:1) There are many points of (相似) between the two singers.2) Love and hate are e of passion(感情).3) She r her life trying to save the drowning child.4) The circus(马戏) was an e to every boy in the town.5) There are v toys in the supermarket.6) Do you have enough (设备) to do the job.7) He has enough (知识) about the subject to write a good book.8) Its (危险) to play football in the street.9) He couldnt see how it worked until I (解释) everything to him.10) Is it easy for you to (说服) your father into giving up smoking?2. 语法专练 (感官动词的用法、)1) His explanation (听起来) all right.2) Your idea (听起来) a good one.3) You (看上去) very attractive in that hat with the purple dress.4) That (看上去) like an interesting film.5) This soup (尝起来) of chicken.6) The house (闻起来) of fresh paint.7) He seems to (感到) a bit down today.3翻译短语:1) 蹦极 2) 为了(某一目的) 3) 颠倒地、倒置地 4) 对感兴趣;喜欢 5) 出现、到场 6) 使理解(某事) 7) 决定不履行 8) 树立起来、建立 9) 拿起、开始(从事于) 10) 照承诺(计划)的去做 4. Complete the following sentences with the given phrases: (完成句子)be into sth. ; be worth doing; get across; turn up; set up; back out1). He lost confidence and of the deal at the last minute.2). I have really French film lately.3). He is not very good at his ideas .4). The story reading again.5). We arranged to meet at 7:30, but she never .6). Edison a chemical lab of his own at the age of ten.Language points:1. in order to 为了(作目的状语)1) He kept reading the samples articles in order to write a good one in the exam.他坚持读例文是为了在考试中写出一篇好文章。2) In order to attract more customers, some companies advertise their products on TV.为了吸引更多顾客,一些公司在电视上为产品做广告。in order to=to =so as to , 相当于不定式,否定形式是in order not to,完成下列句子:1) He gets up early be late. 为了不迟到,他起得早。2) He worked hard afford his son to go to college. 为了供儿子上大学,他努力工作。in order that; so that; in order to; so as toHe turned up the radio a little so that / in order that he could hear the news clearly.= He turned up the radio a little so as to / in order to hear the news clearly.2. risk vt. 冒的危险;冒险干;n. 冒险;风险;危险【搭配】risk doing sth 冒险干某事 risk ones li
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