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先考卷一、 介词填空1. He will take _ his post as the manager of the company next month. 2. Its very easy to focus on the negative and to lose sight _ what really matters. 3. Dont forget to switch _ the gas. 4. Lucy is optimistic _ her future. 5. Jim tried to make a better impression _ his teachers, but failed. 6. We will repair your bike _ no time. 7. The scientists have found a way to speed _ this process. 8. The famous singer was surrounded _ reporters. 9. They felt a lack _ warmth in his formal speech. 10. As a result _ global warming, glaciers melting accelerates. 11. After dropping a small stone into still water, we saw ripples going out _ all directions. 12. Please provide the interviewer _ any examples of your previous job. 二、 写出所给单词的派生词1. Dont track up my clean floor with your _ (mud) shoes. 2. At the edge of the desert, he came across a _ (desert) church. 3. She accepted an out-of-court _ (settle) of 40,000 dollars. 4. The arrangement of light industry in the province needs _ (adjust).5. _ (previous) our mountain area was poor and impoverished(穷困的). 6. We usually feel more pleasure and _ (motivate) to work on what we can do best. 7. She was so _ (greed) that she took away all the money. 8. We respectfully request your _ (guide).9. John adapted effortlessly to his new _ (surround). 10. This means they can ensure high levels of _ (efficient). 11. He dropped down into an armchair, _ (exhaust). 12. You only get one chance to make a first _ (impress). 三、 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. 你认为我们什么时候见面好?(疑问词+do you think+其他)_ for us to have a meeting? 2. 你认为我们从事这项工作什么东西最重要?_when we take up the work?名词/主格代词+非谓语动词/形容词/副词/介词短语The teacher came in, book in hand (and a book was in his hand). 老师进来了,手里拿着一本书。3. 他的作业做完了,他决定休息一会。 _, he decided to take a rest. 4. 天气允许的情况下,我们明天去踢足球吧。 _, well go to play football tomorrow. 5. 当被问及厕所在哪里时, 服务员非常有礼貌地给客人带路。(When/Until/Though+doing/ done) _, the waitress showed the way politely to the guest. 6. 直至完成作业,小孩才允许看卡通片。 _,the child was not allowed to watch the cartoon film. 四、 语法专项-表语从句1. 句子填空 My decision is _ all of us are to start at 6 oclock tomorrow morning. The question is _ we should stay. He was fired. That was _ he didnt work hard enough. I had a headache. That was _ I asked for three days leave. “Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea.” This is _ your grandmother used to tell me. As John Lennon once said, life is _ happens to you while you are busy making other plans. 2. 单句改错 The reason why he didnt come is because he never got the notice. What he really means is what he disagrees with us. This is that Chairman Mao once lived. The doubt is whom has got away with the money. My suggestion is why we should have a discussion about this matter. India is no longer that it used to be. 3语法填空 On a bitterly cold-night in January, 1935, Fiorello LaGuardia, mayor of New York City turned up at a courtroom. Within a few minutes, an old poor woman was brought before him, charged with stealing a loaf of bread. She told LaGuardia the truth _1_ her daughters husband had deserted her, her daughter was sick, and her two grandchildren were starving. But it was obvious _2_ the shopkeeper whose bread was stolen would refuse to drop the charge. Just at the moment LaGuardia sighed. _3_ he was thinking about was _4_ he should express sympathy for the woman. He turned to her and said, “I have got to punish you. There is a firm belief _5_ the law makes no exception. Ten dollars or ten days in prison. ” But _6_ he pronounced the sentence, the mayor was already reaching into his pocket and taking out a bill which surprised everyone. He continued to say, “Here is the ten dollar fine which I now pay for the defendant, and furthermore, _7_ is the most important is _8_ I am going to fine everyone in this courtroom fifty cents for living in a town where an old lady had to steal bread so that her grandchildren wouldnt starve. ” Silently, everyone stood up and paid the fine. After reading this story, I keep thinking of _9_ it touched me. Finally, I realize _10_ it is the desire to help the poor which makes a difference. 1. _2. _3. _4. _
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