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人教版精通六三学制 英语 三年级下 Unit 1 Let s go to school Lesson 3 4 Three little kittens They lost their mittens And they began to cry Oh Mother dear We sadly fear Our mittens we have lost What Lost your mittens You naughty kittens Then you shall have no pie Warm up Let s ReviewLet s ReviewLet s ReviewLet s Review Presentation Hello Yang Ming I have a new textbook Look I have a new storybook Let s talk Presentation 你好 杨明 我有一本新课本 Let s talk 看 我有一本 新故事书 Presentation I have a new textbook 意思 我有一本新课本 textbook 意思 课本 storybook 意思 故事书 Presentation new 意思 新的 例 I have a new ball 我有一个新的球 She has a new pencil box 她有一个新的铅笔盒 Presentation 我有一个新书包 可以和同学这么说 I have a new bag Presentation 我买了一辆新的自行车 会说 I have a new bike Practice I have a new textbook 你会用I have造句吗 I have a new bag I have a new storybook Presentation Oh good Can I see it Sure Here you are Presentation 哦 好棒 我能看一下吗 当然可以 给你 Presentation Can I see it 意思 我能看一下吗 Sure Here you are 意思 好的 给你 can 意思 能够 see 意思 看 it 代指上文说的故事书 例 I can speak Chinese 我会讲中文 Can you swim 你会游泳吗 Presentation Presentation Can I see it Sure Here you are 同学买了新的玩具 会说 Presentation 朋友想看我新买的漫画书 会说 Can I see it Sure Here you are Presentation Let s learn textbook 课本 storybook 故事书 u Practice 活动活动1 1看图抢答单词 Consolidation Let s chant I have a 句子接龙 Lead in Presentation Look I have a Chinese book a Chinese book Presentation Look I have an English book an English book Presentation exercise book I have an exercise book an Presentation I have a notebook a notebook Practice Game1 快速抢答 Just talk Presentation Hi Li Yan Guess what s in my desk A notebook Just talk Presentation 你好 李艳 猜一下 我的课桌里有什么 一本笔记本 Presentation Oh it s an exercise book No Look Just talk Presentation 哦 是一本练习本 不 看 Just talk Presentation Guess what s in my bag desk 意思 猜一下 我的书包 课桌里有什么 what s what is 是什么 guess 意思 猜测 Presentation in 意思 在 里面 例 in my pencil box 在我的铅笔盒里 my 意思 我的 例 my storybook 我的故事书 an 以元音因素开头的单词 例 an apple 一个苹果 an orange 一个橘子 an egg 一个鸡蛋 an English book 一本英语书 an exercise book 一本练习本 Presentation Practice Let s play Guess what s in my hand A notebook An exercise book Guessing game 一 选择题 1 This is English book A an B a C the 2 This is exercise book A an B a C the 3 A Chinese book A 一本英语书 B 一本语文书 A A B 二 左右翻译连线 1 一本新课本 A 猜一猜我的书包里有什么 2 Guess what s in my bag B 我的手里有什么 3 What s in my hand C A new textbook 4 当然可以 给你 D 我能看看吗 5 Can I see it E Sure Here you are 三 补全对话 把字母代号写在题下横线上 Mike Good morning Amy 1 Mike Amy Guess 2 Amy A notebook Mike 3 Look Amy 4 Mike Yes Amy Can I see it Mike 5 A Sure here you are B Good morning C What s in my desk D No E It s an exercise book B C D E A 四 看图 把方框内单词的序号填在相应 的图下括号内 1 2 3 4 A notebook B textbook D storybook E classroom DE BA 课堂总结 1 学会单词 Chinese book English book exercise book notebook 2 学会句型 What s in my bag desk An English book Summary 记忆清单 单词 Chinese book English book exercise book notebook 句型 What s in my bag desk An English book Summary 课后作业 1 用所学知识询问书包 课桌里有某物 2 熟练运用所学句型于生活学习中 3 记住四会单词以及所学句型 Homework
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