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Period 3一、教学目标1、词汇:能巩固、运用已学过的有关环境保护的短语 keep the air clean, Keep us cool, make the place beautiful;能理解、运用planting trees is good for us, we should . 2、能在语篇中运用新句型,谈论树木保护的话题。二、教学重点难点重点:掌握、运用学过的与环境保护相关的短语并结合句型“trees can keep /make.”谈论环境话题。难点:能谈论收集的图片并制作海报,宣传环保。谈论收集的图片并制作海报。三、教学准备Word cards, Type, Drawing Instrument四、教学步骤Step 1 热身(warm-up)1 Greetings2 quick response 教师用课件快闪本单元的新单词及短句plant trees, keep the airclean, keep us cool, make the place beautiful等,学生快速读出来。Step 2 新课呈现(presentation)2、part E:lets write (1)教师用一个图片场景,显示低矮的房屋旁边是密密丛丛的美丽树林,请学生谈论此时的生活环境。 T:so, the village is very beautiful at this time. look at this picture. What can you see? 教师呈现树林被砍伐村庄被过度开发建立高楼,但是却失去昔日美丽环境的图片。 S:we can see many tall buildings, but less and less trees. T:yes, in this village, more and more trees are cut down by people.The weather is changing, its getting hotter. 板书cut down, to grow rice, getting hotter, cool and fresh,教师用图片帮助学生理解这些词汇。)(2)surveynameWhy do people cut down trees?Why should we plant more trees?学生以组为单位调查同学或家长,填上名字后在相应的答题框中书写。(3)presentation 小组代表汇报调查结果(4) 完成E部分填空3、part F:lets have fun (1)学生分享上次作业收集到的图片,贴到黑板上 (2)根据图片把填空填写完成Step 3 趣味操练(practice) Game :唱反调 教师说出“we should.”的句子,学生则换成“we shouldt.”重复句子。反之亦然。Step 4 作业布置(homework) 做一做:制作一张海报,为保护树木宣传,在标语中用上keep和make 板书设计Unit 4 Planting trees is good for usbe good for.cut down, to grow rice, getting hotter, cool and fresh教学反思:3
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