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六年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠17515-16人教版(无) 一选出与所给单词划线部分读音不同的词: ( )1grade Aclass Bname CKate Dcake ( )2spell Adesk Byes Cthese Degg ( )3jeep Asee Bmeet Cfifteen Dzero 二、读一读,选出单词拼写有误的一项。( ) 1. A. right B. go C. laft ( ) 2. A. clossing B. straight C. museum( ) 3. A. front B. near C. behund ( ) 4. A. restaurant B. park C. hene 三、按要求写单词。 1. one (序数词) _2. eighth (基数词) _ 3. two (序数词) _4. know (同音词) _5. tomato (复数) _6. foot (复数) _7. September (缩写) _ 8. left (反义词) _ 9. old (反义词) _10. to (同音词) _四、选词填空。(turn has are can is excuse next to where there what )1. We near Tiananmen . 2. How we get to the school ? 3. Robin GPS . 4. Where the pet shop ?5. Lets right and go straight . 6. me .7. is a hospital in my city . 8. Its the post office .9. is the library ? 10. a great museum !五、连词成句1. can I how there get ? 2. film what an interesting ! 3. next its on to the park street dongfang . 4. at turn left the bookstore . 5. is shop where is the museum ? 6. is the where post office ? 7. want I send today it to. 六、选词填空。(how what where when why)1. do you get up ? At 6:00 . 2. can you get there ? Turn right at the bookstore .3. is the cinema ? Its next to the hospital .4. do you like apples ? Because theyre tasty .5. an interesting film ! I like it .七、找答语。( ) 1. Where can I find your mother? A. Yes, it can. ( ) 2. How can I get to the science museum? B. No, its far from here.( ) 3. Is the hospital near here? C. You can go straight for ten minutes.( ) 4. Can the GPS help you to find a place? D. In the school.八、排序( ) Near the London Eye . Go that way . ( ) Turn left at the post office .( ) Where is the London Eye ? ( ) Where can I buy a bamburger ?( ) How can I get there ? ( ) Its next to the Xiufeng Park . ( ) You can see it on the right .九书面表达。以My Favourite Teacher为题,介绍你最喜欢的老师。 要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范,40个单词左右。
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