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人教版六年级上册英语期末试卷4听力部分(40分)一、听音,判断。与录音内容相符的在括号内打,与录音内容不符的在括号内打。10分 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )( )6. Tim is my new pen pal. He lives in Beijing.( )7. My father is a coach.( )8. My cousin Jack likes playing football and swimming.( )9. The woman is going to buy a dictionary.( )10. Turn left at the traffic lights. 来源:Z&xx&k.Com二、听音,选词。选择听到的单词或句子,将正确答案的序号写在题前括号内。10分( ) 1. A. hiking B. swimming C. singing( ) 2. A. show B. snow C. now( ) 3. A. pen pal B. pencil C. plane( ) 4. A. play sports B. play football C. play basketball( ) 5. A. Canberra B. country C. Chinese( ) 6. A. hungry B. angry C. afraid( ) 7.A.policeman B. policewoman C. police officer( ) 8. A. coach B. sports reporter C.P.E teacher( ) 9. A. live B. lives C. living( )10. A. No.57 B. No.75 C. No.51三、听音,选句。根据听到的问句选择答句,将正确答案的序号写在题前括号内。10分( ) 1. A. He goes to work by car. B. He works in a school.( ) 2. A. He likes diving. B. She likes riding a bike.( ) 3. A.Im gong there tonight. B. Im going by ship.( ) 4. A. He is worried. B. They are very happy.( ) 5. A. You can go by No.18 bus. B. I go to school by bike.四、听音,排序。根据听到的句子顺序,将正确的序号写在题前括号内。10分( ) What are you going to do in your lesson? 新课 标 第 一 网( ) What are you going to do?( ) Im going to have an art lesson.( ) Sounds great!( ) Have a good time!( ) Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.( ) Im going to see a film tomorrow.( ) You, too. I have to do my homework now. ( ) Bye.( ) OK. Bye.笔试部分(60分)一、选一选。选出不同类的单词或词组,将序号写到括号里。10分( ) 1. A. foot B. train C. plane D. subway( ) 2. A. newspaper B. bookstore C. magazine D. comic book( ) 3. A. police officer B. father C. pilot D. worker( ) 4. A. angry B. sad C. happy D. wear( ) 5. A. teaches B. tomatoes C. watches D. reads( ) 6. A. afraid B. angry C. sad D. trip ( ) 7 .A. sing B. hiking C. fishing D. reading( ) 8. A. wear B. where C. what D. how( ) 9. A. park B. grass C. flower D. tree( )10.A. tomorrow B.morning C. afternoon D. evening 新 课 标 第 一 网二、补一补。根据上下文或汉语意思,写出单词。10分Cherry _(live) in New Zealand. She likes singing and _ word _ (填字游戏). Her father is a _(商人). He _(go) to work by _(地铁). Her mother is a _ _(工人). She likes _(play) the violin. Cherry has a _(幸福的) family.三、写一写。把下列单词连词成句。(注意书写格式、标点和大小写)10分1. does, what, he, do (?) _2. dont, at, red, go, the, light (!) _3. bookstore, left, turn, at, the (.) _4. he, see, doctor, this, morning, a, should (.)新 课 标 第 一 网 _5. going, Renmin Park, are, to, we, draw, pictures, some, in _四、配一配。请从B栏中选出与A栏相配的句子。将序号写在A栏的题前括号内。10分A B来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K( )1. Where does Tom work? A. He is angyr.( )2. What are you going to do tomorrow? B. Yes, she does.( )3. How do you go to work? C. He works at a sea.来源:学*科*网( )4. Does she like going hiking? D. He likes fishing.( )5. What does your father do? E. You should do more exercise.( )6. How does he feel? F. Im going to see a film.( )7. Whats your dads hobby? G. Hooray!( )8. How can I get to the cinema? H. I go to work by bike( )9. What should I do? I. Hes a fish man.( )10. Lets go to the nature park. J. Go straight, then turn left.五、选一选。在对话框内选出匹配的句子,将序号填在横线上,使对话意思完整。10分A. Dont worry. B. You should see a doctor. C. Whats wrong? D. Where does he work? E. Ill visit Doctor Ma this afternoon. F. Great!来源:Zxxk.ComMr Li: Good morning, Mr Su.Mr Su: Good morning, Mr Li. You look unhappy._Mr Li: Im ill. I have a headache.Mr Su: Im sorry to hear that._Mr Li: Yes . _Mr Su: _Mr Li: He works in Peace Hospital.Mr Su: Thats good._ You will be better soon.Mr Li: Thank you .Bye!Mr Su: Bye!六、读一读。阅读短文,判断正误,在句子后面的括号里打上或。10分
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