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新课程标准高中英语必修四Unit 2 Working the land第四课时 泛读课 学案Using Language一学习目标1 理解泛读课文 Chemical or organic farming ?2 掌握文中的语言知识点二知识重难点1知识重点掌握下列单词及词组:Chemical production bacteria pest nutrition mineral discovery soil reduce root skim underline summary comment build up lead to focus on keep free from/of掌握下列句型:They focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease.This also keeps the air , soil , water and crops free from chemicals.三背景知识Organic food is one of the fastest growing areas in American agriculture. The Agriculture Departmentestimates that American farmers sold 6,000 million dollars worth of organic food last year.Organic farmers do not use chemicals to increase their crops or to control insects, weeds and disease. Many people believe eating organic food is more healthful than eating food produced with chemicals. And people are willing to pay more for organic food products.Currently, different private and state organizations establish organic food requirements in the United States. Each organization uses its own rules to decide which products may be called organic.The proposal bars the use of genetic engineering, the technology of changing the genes of living things. It bars the use of waste products to fertilize organic food. It bars irradiation treatments to kill bacteria on food products. The proposal also bars feeding antibiotic drugs to farm animals. It says farmers must feed animals only with organic food.The Agriculture Department says the new rules will help farmers export their organic products more easily. Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman calls the proposal the most complete and strongest organic group of rules in the world. He said Americans will know what they are buying. And, farmers will know what is expected of them.A group representing the organic agriculture industry welcomed the proposal. The group has sought national requirements for organic food for more than ten years.四课前预习 翻译下列单词,词组1. 化学的 2.生产,制造 3. 矿物,化石 4. 细菌 5. 焦点,集中 6.减少,减缩 7.评论 8. 强调 9 .总结 10. 营养 11. 在过去的半个世纪 12.加大,增强 13.导致 14.集中于 15.使免受(影响,伤害) 16.对造成伤害 17. 冲掉,冲洗 18.转向,求助于 1 9.每隔几年 20.充满,装满 五课前导入请同学们思考:What is the safety and importance of eating “green food”?六阅读文章回答问题1Why are chemical fertilizers so popular in farming today?2What problems can be caused by using chemical fertilizers?3What is organic farming? 4What is the main reason for using organic farming methods? 七知识梳理(重点单词和短语)1reduce v. 减少, 降低公司尽力通过减少花销来提高利润。The company tries to increase profits by reducing costs. 即学即练1 We expenses this year. 今年我们已经减少了业务开支。2lead to 意为导致、造成(后果),后多跟名词、代词或动名词。All roads lead to Rome. 条条大道通罗马。即学即练2 Too much work and too little rest often illness.过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。比较:result in引起,导致(某种结果)、使获得(某种成果)、结果。result from由造成、因而产生。The accident resulted in two deaths. 事故导致两人死亡。即学即练3 Sickness sometimes eating too much.疾病有时是由吃太多引起的。3focus on 集中(注意力, 精力等)于,常形成 focus ones attention on sth.You should focus your attention on your work. 你应该把注意力集中在你的工作上。即学即练4【句子仿写】 我今天太累了,无法集中精力做任何事。4keep free from /of 使免受(影响, 伤害等); 使不含(有害物)We put our books in bookcase to keep them free from dust.为了不让书受灰尘污染,我们把它们放在书柜里。拓展1) keep from “隐瞒, 不把告诉(某人), 阻止, 避免” 如:He wont be able to keep the truth from his father. 他无法向父亲隐瞒真相。You cant keep him from doing that thing. 你不能阻止他做这件事。比较:keep sb./sth. from doing sth./being done stop sb./sth. from doing sth. /being done prevent sb./sth. from doing sth./being done上面三个句型都是: 阻止某人、某物做某事或阻止某人、某物被.。 但它们的用法还是有点不同:在句型stop sb./sth. from doing sth. /being done和 prevent sb./sth. from doing sth./being done中,主动语态中from可以省去,而被动语态中from不可以省去。句型keep sb./sth. from doing sth./being done,在主动和被动语态中from都不可以省去。如: We should try to stop the trees( from )being cutting down.我们应该想方设法阻止树被砍伐。They managed to keep the accident from happening .他们成功地阻止了事故的发生。2) free from 使解除, 使摆脱 如:They aim to free the students from too much homework.他们的目的是使学生摆脱繁重的家庭作业。3) be free of sb./sth. 摆脱某人/某物Im free of that job at last. 我最终摆脱了那项工作。 即学即练5 You must take care to keep the dirt.你一定要当心,不让伤口受感染。八自主探究难句分析1.【原句】 Crops such as peas or soybeans put important minerals back into the soil, making it ready for crops such as wheat or corn that need rich and fertile soil. 像豌豆和大豆这样的农作物把重要的矿物质带回土壤,从而使之适宜于种植要求土壤肥沃的农作物,比如玉米和小麦。分析 1)本句结构比较复杂。其主干结构为: 主句(Crops put important minerals back into the soil) + 状语(making it ready for crops)2)状语中又包含“make + it + 形容词”结构和由that引导的定语从句(that need rich and fertile soil)。3)making it ready for crops 在句中作结果状语。 2. Some organic farmers prefer planting grass between crops to prevent w
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