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Unit3 The Million pound Bank Note Language points 导学提纲Designer: Wang Wei Supervisors:Teachers in senior 1 班级: 组名: 姓名: 使用时间:2018.03【学习目标】1. To know the usage of the key words, phrases and sentences.2. To use them to do some reading, speaking and writing.【导学流程】一、导 What did we learn yesterday?二、思 Words-spelling1. Many boys have a thirst for _(冒险).2.Lets make a _ (打赌)on the next election. 3.The boy has been dreaming about _(wander) the world. 4.It is bad manners to_(盯着)atpeople .u Find out the important phrases from the reading passage.1. 抚养_ 2. go ahead_ 3. 偶然_4. 相反_ 5. account for_ 6. 大量的_3、 议、展、评 1. permit v_ n_ permission_【拓展归纳】permit (sb/sbs) doing sth _ permit sb to do sth _ be permitted into _ 【学以致用】(1)Her mother would not permit her _(come) back late.(2)We dont permit _(smoke) in the office.用permit适当形式填空:(1) The prisoners(囚犯) were _ two hours outdoor exercise a day.(2) You cant touch anything without your teachers _.(3) If Time_(= Time _), well go camping.单选:Passengers are permitted _ only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.A. to carry B.carrying C.to be carried D. Being carried2. scene n_【拓展归纳】 _ the scene (of) 在现场 _来到现场【学以致用】 用scene、scenery、sight和view填空 (1) Youll get a fine _ of the town from the top of the hill.(2) He lost his _ in an accident.(3) By the time he came on the _, the parade was all over.(4) The _ as one travels by the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvellous.(5) Prime Minister Wen was on the_ shortly after the big earthquake struck Yushu.3. spot v_ n_【拓展归纳】on the spot=_当场 spot sb doing sth _【学以致用】(1)I _(spot) one of my friends in a crowd just now.(2)We spotted smoke _(come) out of the house.(3) When the man was trying to break into the bank, he was caught by the police_ .A. in a spot B.on the spot C. off the spot D.to the spot 4. account v_ n_【拓展归纳】 account for _ 由于_ take into account_ 决不_(1)Bill cant come to the meeting _ _ _ illness. Bill不能参加会议因为他病了。(2)His illness _ _ his absence. 他生病了导致他缺席。(3)_ _ _should we give in. 我们决不投降,(4)They had to_ the baby _ _ when they wanted to go out.每当要外出时,他们总得考虑如何将婴孩安顿好。5. bring up _【学以致用】用bring up、bring about、bring down、bring in和bring out的适当形式填空(1) Gambling has _ his ruin.(2) He was _ to respect the old.(3) A nationwide good harvest soon _ the price of rice.(4) The government is trying their best to _ new techniques and investment.(5) A crisis _ the best in her.6. The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.(教材P18)【学以致用】根据句意完成句子(1)I _ _ _the homework when the telephone rang. 我刚完成作业,电话铃就响了。(2)I _ _ _ wash my face when he came back. 当他回来的时候我正要去洗脸。(3)They were _ when the teacher came in.老师进来的时候他们正在讲话。(4)I was_ _ _ _ going out when the phone rang.正当我要出去的时候电话响了。【拓展归纳】when 表示“正在这时、那时”的常用句型。sb had just donewhen _ sb was doing sth when _ sb was about to do sth when _ be on the point of doing sth when_ 四、检 用本节课学过的单词和短语完成句子(1)My car broke down halfway, which _ _ my being late . (account)(2)Though _ _in a big city, the boy likes being close to nature. (bring相关短语)(3)Well discuss both questions if time _. 如果时间允许,我们将把两个问题都讨论一下。单选:I had just taken a bite of my hot dog _ I heard a familiar voice yelling at me from across the crowded school yard. A. before B. while C. since D. when
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