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2018年六年级英语毕业模拟检测题(3)(满分:100分 答卷时间:60分钟)学校 姓名 准考证号 I . 选出下列单词中不同类的一项。(每小题1分,共10分)( )1.A.school B.evening C.hospital( )2.A.subway B.shopping C.train( )3.A.parents B.mother C.sister( )4.A.short B.thin C.write( )5.A.gym B.dining hall C.ago( )6.A.interesting B.dancing C.walking( )7.A.has B.slept C.stayed( )8.A.read B.library C.bookstore( )9.A.Sunday B.Saturday C.yesterday( )10.A.banana B.panda C.pearII . 单项选择题,将序号填在括号内。(每小题2分,共30分)( )11 . - coat is that?-Its Helens.A . Whos B .Whose C . Who( )12 . It very cold here last winter. A . were B . was C . is( )13 .- What does your mother do ? My mother is a . She writes books for children .A . writer B . singer C . doctor( )14 . -What time is it , Mum ? Its nine oclock in the evening . Its time to .A . get up B . go to school C . go to bed( )15 . -What did she yesterday morning ?She to the park far a picnic . A . did ; goes B . does ; went C . do ; went来源:Zxxk.Com( )16 .- Would you like some juice ? .A . Yes , please B . Here you are C . please hurry( )17 . are you going on your holiday ? Xinjiang . A . Which B . When C . Where ( )18 . -What are you doing ? .A . You are feeding the fish B . I am listening to music C . We water the flowers . ( )19 . They play piano on Monday .A . the B . a C . /( )20 . What are you going do after school ?A . to B . in C . at( )21 . This is eraser . Its eraser .A . a ; her B . an ; her C . an ; she( )22 . Is that your book ? . Its Mikes book . A . Yes , that is B . No , that isnt C . No , it isnt( )23 . What are those ? A . They are hens . B . These are gloves . C . Those are gloves . ( )24 .- Whats your favourite vegetables ? I like best .A . tomatoes B . oranges C . fish( )25 . -When is your birthday ? My birthday is in spring . Its on .A . March 12th B . July 8th C . September 30th III . 选词填空(把所选单词的序号填在横线上)。(每小题1分,共8分)cooked was tired visited washed cleaned with nextMy mother 26 busy last weekend . She 27 my grandma on Saturday morning . They 28 noodles together . In the evening , she 29 the clothes . She often goes to the park , but she 30 my bedroom last Sunday . In the afternoon , she went shopping . She watched TV 31 me in the evening . She was very 32 last weekend . So Ill help my mother do the housework 33 weekend . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . IV . 根据对话内容,选择正确的句子补全对话,将序号填在横线上。(10分)John : Hello , Ben ! Where did you go this morning ?Ben : 34 . John : Did you go there by bus ?Ben : 35 . Its not far from here . John : 36 . Ben : I bought some candies(糖果) and fruit .来源:学科网John : 37 . Ben : Because well have a party this afternoon .John : A party ? 38 . 来源:学&科&网Ben : Of course . Lets go together . A . No , I went there on foot . B . What did you buy ?C . I went to the supermarket . D . Can I go with you ?E . Why did you buy so much fruit ?V . 按要求写单词。(每小题1分,共10分)40 . hot(比较级) 41 . she(物主代词) 42 . sleep(过去式) 43 . new(反义词) 44 . drank(原形) 45 . fish(ing形式) 46 . have(第三人称单数) 47 . foot(复数) 48 . September(缩写形式) 49 . cant(完全形式) VI . 用所给单词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分)50 . She often ( do ) her homework on Sunday morning . 51 . There are four ( potato ) on the table . 52 . This sweater is ( I ) .53 . He couldnt ( play ) badminton before . 54 . Look ! The students ( have ) an English class . 55 . Chen Jie ( take ) lots of pictures last summer holiday . 56 . They will ( climb ) mountains tomorrow . 57 . How many ( sheep ) can you see ?58 . I run ( fast ) than John . 59 . He often ( read ) storybooks in the evening . VII . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(每小题2分,共6小题,满12分)Hi , Im Wu Gang . My English name is Bob . Im 12 yea
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