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Period 6 Main scene Lets check Lets wrap it up Story time P30-31Learning aims(学习目标):复习本单元三会,四会单词和词组,四会句型。完成Lets check, lets wrap it up, story time Important &difficult points(重难点):1.复习并掌握本单元的单词和句子 2. 借助图片理解Story time中的故事。导学探究:Step 1.预习温故(用时5分钟)读课本三单元单词和句子T: How was your winter holiday? Ss: It was fine.T: Where did you go? Ss: I went to .T: How did you go there? Ss: By .T: What did you do there? Ss: I .Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)Main scene1.T: John had a good Labour Day holiday. Please turn to page 22. Read the dialogue and tell me “What happened to John? ”2. Read and explain the dialogue.4. 听录音,读对话。5. Role play. 分角色表演对话。6. Fnish lets check and lets wrap it up.Step 3.合作交流:(用时10分钟)小组合作阅读Story time. 每个小组阅读一幅图。 小组代表讲解,教师答疑3. 表演故事。(时间允许的情况)Step4、达标检测(用时9分钟)英汉互译。1.ate fresh food( ) 2.went swimming( ) 3.took pictures( ) 4.bought gifts ( ) 5.rode a horse ( ) 6.rode a bike ( ) 7.went camping ( ) 8. hurt my foot ( ) 9.went fishing ( )10.很多年前有许多恐龙。There lots of dinosurs many years ago.11.你的假期怎么样? was your holiday?12.你去了哪里? you go? 13.我去了月球 I the moon.14.你怎样去那里的? did you go there?15.乘宇宙飞船。 spaceship.16.你看到了什么? did you see?17.听上去不错! 二给下面的句子选择合适的图片。A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. ( )1. I saw Change and the rabbit. ( )2. Here comes a spaceship.( )3. We bought some gifts. ( ) 4. Hes laughed and laughed.三连词成句。1. went she swimming weekend every (.) 2. my family went Turpan to I and (.) 3. you Xinjiang did to go (?) 4. go how did there you (?) 四阅读短文,完成后面的习题。 On October 1st, we went to Wuyishan in Fujian by train. We stayed at a beautiful hotel. It was cool and cloudy on October 2nd. In the morning we climbed the moutains and went to see the waterfalls(瀑布). We were tired, but we were happy. In the afternoon we went on a raft trip . We took some pictures. We had a lot of fun there. 来源:学科网ZXXK( ) 1.When did you go to Wuyishan?A. On December 25th. B. On October 1st.( )2. How was the weather on October 2nd? A. It was cold and cloudy. B. It was cool and cloudy.( )3. Did you stay at a nice hotel? A. Yes, we did. B. No, we did( )4. Did you see the waterfalls and a show? A. Yes, we did. B. No, we didnt.( )5. How did you go to Wuyishan? A. By train. B. By bus.来源:学。科。网学生小结:这节课我学到了 。 Step5、布置当堂作业(用时1分钟)复习第三单元单词及句子。来源:Zxxk.Com来源:学.科.网板书设计: Unit 3 Where did you go? - Where did you go? - I went to the moon. - How did you go there? - By spaceship.- What did you see? - I saw the rabbit.来源:学&科&网教学反思:
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