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第四讲 Whats the matter? (Part BC)教研部审核:教学任务: 1、学习关心问候某人的句子答句;2、掌握情感形容词及运用;3、了解感官系动词并能运用look;4、懂得询问某人的情绪及答句。一、语法点将台:(一)hear 与 listen的区别:hear表示“听见,听到”的结果。eg:I listened but I couldnt hear anything.我注意听,但什么也没听到。listen 表示“听,注意听,倾听”的动作。eg:They are listening to the radio.他们在听广播。(二)excited与exciting 的区别: excited-指人 eg. Today he is so excited . 兴奋的 exciting-指物 eg. This movie is so exciting.(三)might 与may的区别: might 与may 都可以表示可能性。might 在表示推测时,把握比较小,表示特别尊重对方,心里没底,更带有试探性。may表示一件事或许会发生(或是某种情况可能会发生)。(四)词组:between - and- pass- to bounce off laugh at- say-to- bounce the ball go on a big trip go swimmingat the end of look for be fun have some rest laugh at (五)后面动词要变成ing形式的有:1. like + 动词ing;2. for + 动词ing;3. enjoy + 动词ing;经典题型: (一)选择题。( )1. Amy _ very sad. Whats wrong _ her ? A. looks, withB. look, withC. looks , to ( )2. _ does John feel ? Hes bored. A. WhatB. How C. Where ( )3. Im glad _ hear that. A. for B. toC. in ( )4. John passes the ball _ Mike. And the ball bounces _ Mikes head. A. to, off B. in , on C. to , to ( )5. Please stay in _ bed and drink _ water. now. A. the, littleB. , moreC. , a few( )6. _ some medicine and youll be _ soon. A. Have, fineB. Take, wellC. Take ,better ( )7. The straw man _ a headache, and the robot _ tired. A. has isB. have isC. has feeling( ) 8. - you feel sick? -Yes, I . A. do, do B. Are, am C. Do, do ( ) 9. I cant see bread in the box. A. some B. any C. a ( )10. Please give _ _ some bananas. A. hersB. his C. us (二)根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.Im sorry to (听)that. 2.My mother is free now.Shes (听) to music. 3.We are going to (举行野餐) this weekend,so Im very (兴奋). 4.The story book is very (令人兴奋)! 5.Hunny (享受)the trip. 6.Her cousin (喜欢滑冰) best.高频考题:(一)判断下列句子是否合理,合理(T),不合理(F)。1. Sarah fails the test. She feels happy. ( )2. If you have a cold, you must play with the snow. ( )3. I dont listen to my mom, so shes angry. ( )4. He feels sick. He should see the doctor. ( )(二)根据句意完成单词。1. Why are you so h_ ? Because I have got a new story-book today.2. If youre b_ , you can come out and play with other children. 3. Liu Xiang wins in the Olympic Game. The Chinese people are all e_ .4. How d_ Mike feel ?He is happy, because he is g_ on a trip.(三)阅读大本营:阅读理解,完成文后问题。Today I feel very bored. I dont go to school today because I am sick . I have a flu. I have a headache and a high temperature-39.8 ! At first , I take some medicine and go to bed . At 10 oclock, I wake up and watch TV . I want to read some books,but I cant because of the headache.In the afternoon, I go out for a walk and sleep again. How bored it is!( )1. I feel very today. A. happy B. bored C. tired( )2. I have a . A. toothache B. sore throat C. fever( )3. I dont today. A. read books B. watch TV C. go out for a walk ( )4. I watch TV. A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening ( ) 5. Is today Sunday ? . A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt . C. I dont know. 二、词汇集结号:(一)关心某人的句子:How + be ( am / is / are ) + 主语 ?回答:主语 + be ( am / is / are ) + 形容词. Eg. How are you ? Im fine,thank you.And you?(二)be + 情感形容词: tired excited angry happy sad bored (三)如何描述对方看起来的状态You look +形容词。eg: You look so happy. 他看起来很累。 (四)询问情绪的句型: do + 主语(非三单)问句:How + feel? does +主语(三单) 1.主语+be+形容词 答句:2.主语+ feel (s) +形容词 (五)重点句子: 1.How does Amy feel ? Shes tired .2.How are you,Liu Yun?You look so happy .3.Im going on a big trip.4.I failed the math test. 5.Im sorry to hear that .6.Hows John feeling now? Hes so happy.沙场点兵:(一)看音标,写单词。taid iksaitid gri hpi b:d hau sri luk sd hi (二)选词填空。 flu ,
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