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Unit 1 A Lets read(开发型) 教 师来源:Zxxk.Com周呀盈学 科英语执教班级六年级(1、2、3、)教学时间2011年3 月 2 日(第 2周星期二 )教学地点教室教学内容Part A Let s read教学课时第 3 课时教学课型新授是否集体备课否教材分析本课时的教学重难点在于让学生学会用英语的比较级,并能熟练的将其运用于实际生活中,询问身边的人或者事物的年龄、身高、重量以及长度并用比较级的句型来回答。 本课时的主要语言项目是用英语表述自己的身高和体重,通过A部分五个英语词汇的掌握,融入到新句型当中。让学生通过做动作或实际比较可以很快理解并熟练掌握这些相关内容,达到能实际运用的目的。教学目标1.能够听懂对话,进一步掌握用英语表达高度、长度的方式以及形容词比较级句型的用法。2.能够理解对话内容,完成相应的练习题。3.复习辅音/p/; /b/; /t/; /d/, 学习双元音ei/; /ai/; /Ri/,学会拼读由以上音素组成的音节。4.在阅读中培养学生的团结合作意识。来源:Zxxk.Com教学重点理解对话内容,侧重训练高度、长度的表达方式以及形容词比较级句型的用法。双元音的教学以及由这些音素组成的音节。教学难点形容词funny比较级的构成.教学准备课件预设过程设计意图Step 1. Warm-up1. 组织背诵英语歌谣:Mike is taller than Lee.( P. 2)2. 唱一首英语歌曲: My pets( P. 12)3. Listen and do: Touch your head/tailStep 2. Presentation1. 呈现阅读材料内容:在听听做做游戏最后,插入:Touch your tail.T: We have no tails. But I have a pet. Its a monkey. 多媒体呈现一只猴子:Look, it has a long tail. How long is its tail? Its tail is 38cm long. What colour is this monkey?Ss: Its brown.多媒体呈现另一只猴子T: What about this one? Ss: Its yellow.T: Which monkey do you like?Ss: I like (the yellow one. Its lovely. )Explain: one 代词讨论:T: Can you guess: How tall is it?Ss: Its about 30cm tall.多媒体呈现: Its 40 cm tall. Its so short. Its a little monkey.T: What about that one? 多媒体呈现:Its 150 cm tall. 多媒体呈现两只猴子的对比图,提问:T: Which monkey is taller?Ss: The yellow one is taller than the brown one.Write on Bb: It is taller than the brown one. It is shorter than the yellow one.T:Which monkey is stronger?Ss: The brown monkey is stronger than the yellow one.Write on Bb: The brown monkey is stronger.T: Which monkey is younger?Ss: The little monkey is younger.课件再次出示那只小猴子:T:Look, the little monkey is shorter ,stronger and younger than the yellow one. The yellow one is taller. But look at this boy. His name is Ben.课件出示一个男孩:(158cm, making faces)T: Can you guess: How tall is the boy?来源:学科网Ss: Its about.出示:158cm The boy is taller. The monkey is shorter. The monkeys are funny. Look at the boy. He is making faces. So the boy is funnier.Write on Bb: The boy is funnier.让学生巩固:happy, heavy等。2.播放阅读材料的录音,课件出示判断题,读一遍这六个判断题,边听边思考,然后讨论回答:( ) 1.Ben likes the yellow monkey.( )2. The brown monkey is taller than the yellow one.( ) 3. The little monkey is the brown one.( ) 4. The brown monkey is younger and shorter than the yellow one.( ) 5. The yellow monkey is stronger than the brown one.来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K( ) 6. The monkeys are funnier than Ben.3.再用课件出示阅读材料后的练习,让同学们独立完成,然后校对答案。Step 3 Pronunciation1. 复习学过的音标:活动:快乐对对碰(飞升的气球可以由上个环节的表扬引出)课件呈现飞升的气球,将辅音固定在课件中,元音写在气球上飘升上去,飘到两辅音中间时让学生快速拼读出来。i:/; /u:/等。2新授三个双元音:ei/; /ai/; /Ri/上个游戏环节,最后两个设计为e/和/i/,读完/e/将气球飘至一边,等i/的音节读完,引导同学们将e和/i/连起来读读看,引出ei/的教学。然后让同学们将含有ei/ 音节的例词说出来,用同样的方法学习Ri/;/ai/.p/ /m/ /b/ /k/ /t/ /g/e/ /i/ /d/ /n/ /h/ /t/2. 巩固新学音标:活动1摘苹果课件呈现一棵苹果树,下面是三个箩筐/ei /, / ai /, /Ri/,上面挂满红苹果,苹果上有单词:pain, baby, tail, day, pine, bike, type, dive, point, boy, toy, doyen, cake, buy, soil, etc.让学生按每个单词所含双元音分类。活动2拼读竞赛(1)出示一些没学过的单词,让男女生竞赛,根据所学的拼读规律或从学过的单词迁移,读出这些单词,看谁读得最快最正确 Station, soy, enjoy, appointment, retire, pilot, X-ray, describe, label, license, mistake, advice, coin, recognize, stale.(2)出示一些句子,看谁快速流利地读出:He can type, he can dive, he can ride a bike,来源:Z#xx#k.ComKite, kite, high in the sky, make the guy want to fly.He likes playing ,playing the game, he likes baking the cake.Boy, boy, point to the toy, make the noise, have no choice. Step4. Consolidation Activity book.板书设计作业设计Read the passage.教学反思
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