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第三单元达标检测卷【听力部分】一、Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)( )1. A. beach B. basket C. boy( )2. A. camp B. part C. lamp( )3. A. rode B. gift C. ride( )4. A. fell B. fish C. fresh( )5. A. took B. take C. till二、Listen and number.听录音,给下列图片排序。(10分) 三、Listen and judge.听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是否一致,一致的写“T”,不一致的写“F”。(10分)( )1. We ate lots of mutton kebabs.( )2. I went camping the day before yesterday.( )3. Who did you buy gifts for?( )4. My father took pictures last weekend.( )5. I saw some mules here. 四、Listen and choose.听录音,给所听问句选择正确的答语。(10分)来源:学科网( )1. A. It was my summer holiday. B. I liked my summer holiday.C. It was good.( )2. A. Its three yuan. B. Its a mule. C. It looks like a mule.( )3. A. Yes, there was. B. No, there wasnt.C. Yes, there were.( )4. A. I went there by bus. B. I saw some grapes.C. I went to the park. 来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K( )5. A. They were happy. B. They went swimming. C. They were at home.【笔试部分】五、Read and choose.选出不同类的一项。(5分)( )1. A. beach B. ate C. basket( )2. A. hurt B. ride C. till来源:学科网ZXXK( )3. A. gift B. went C. took ( )4. A. licked B. stayed C. watch( )5. A. felt B. fell C. off六、Read and translate.汉译英。(10分)1. 看起来像 2. 摔倒 3. 去野营 4. 骑自行车 5. 买礼物 七、Read and choose. 选择正确的答案。(10分)( )1. did you go?I went to Turpan.A. What B. Who C. Where( )2. I a phone call from my friend yesterday.A. answer B. answered C. answering ( )3. They look white clouds. A. to like B. likes C. like( )4. The class is beginning.A. first B. three C. two( )5. What happened to you? A. I hurt my foot. B. It was great. C. Thank you.八、Read, look and choose.给下列句子选择对应的图片。(10分) ( )1. Its a basket. ( )2. He went fishing last Sunday. ( )3. He rode a horse last Saturday. ( )4. They went swimming last weekend. ( )5. He hurt his leg yesterday. 九、Read and choose.给下列问句选择正确的答语。(10分) ( )1. What did you do there? A. They are talking about their holidays. ( )2. Where did you go last Sunday? B. Yes, I did. ( )3. What are they talking about? C. I went fishing. ( )4. Did you go to Turpan? D. I went to a forest park. ( )5. Who did you go with? E. My parents. 十、Read and choose. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)Tom went to Beijing by plane on his holiday. Every day he had fun with his parents. They went boating. They saw some elephants. They went swimming. They ate lots of delicious food. They also took many beautiful pictures. They will come back tomorrow. He enjoys his holiday. ( )1. Tom went to Beijing by .A. bus B. train C. plane ( )2. Tom had fun with every day.A. his uncle B. his parents C. his friends ( )3. Tom and his parents in Beijing.A. went boating B. saw some tigers C. went shopping ( )4. Did Tom eat lots of delicious food? A. No, he didnt. B. Yes, he did. C. Yes, they did. ( )5. Tom and his parents also . A. took pictures B. watched TV C. went camping来源:学科网ZXXK十一、Writing. 快乐写作。(10分)用英语描述一下你和你的爸爸、 妈妈去公园的经历。要求:1. 条理清晰,意思明确,语句通顺、 连贯,用词得当,语法正确。2. 书写规范。3. 不少于50个单词。 听力材料一、1. beach 2. camp 3. gift 4. fresh 5. till二、1. hurt his foot 2. went swimming 3. went camping 4. ate fresh food5. took pictures三、1. We ate lots of mutton kebabs. 2. I went camping yesterday. 3. Who did you buy gifts for?4. My mother took pictures last weekend. 5. I saw some mules here. 四、1. How was your summer holiday?2. How much is it? 3. Were there lots of dinosaurs many years ago?4. What did you see?5. What did they do yesterday?来源:学科网ZXXK答案速查一、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C二、3 1 5 2 4三、1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
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