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Lessons9596 课文详注 Further notes on the text1plenty of, 充足的,足够的。后面可跟可数名词或不可数名词。2ten minutes slow, 慢 10分钟; ten minutes fast, 快 10分钟。3Whens the next train?下一班车是什么时候?这个句子是用来询问火车启程时间时常见的句型。 语法 Grammar in use had better与 musthad better表示“最好还是”、“最好”,表达某种忠告或建议。must则表示“必须”、“一定”,语气比 had better强烈。had better表示现在时或将来时,而不是过去时。其否定形式为 had better not.请比较下列句子: 词汇学习 Word study1exact adj. (1)精确的;确切的;恰好的:What is the exact time?确切时间是什么时候?This vase is an exact replica.这只花瓶是件很巧妙的复制品。Its the exact shape Ive been looking for. 这恰好是我一直以来要寻找的形状。(2)严格的;严厉的:The workers must obey exact rules.工人们必须遵守严格的规定。2catch v.(1)赶上;及时赶到:We must hurry if we want to catch the last train.如果我们想赶上最后一班火车就必须快点。Every morning she would catch the 7.30 train to town.每天早上她都赶7点半的那班火车进城。(2)听清楚;理解:I didnt catch what you said just now.我没听清楚你刚才所说的话。(3)引起(注意等);吸引,迷住:The bright colours on the wall caught our attention. 墙壁上鲜艳的颜色吸引了我们的注意力。The beautiful view in front of me caught and held me.我面前美丽的景色把我迷住了。
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