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2013-2014学年度第+二学期七年级英语下册期末考试卷姓名:_班级_ 学校_一、根据句意及首字母提示,完成句子。10分1.Sally draws very well,she wants to _the art club.2.My sister brushes her _ twice a day.3.We have to be _ in the library.4.They often help to pick apples on the _.5.I like pandas,because they are _.6.My mother is c_in the kitchen for us.7.Its r_ outside,lets watch TV at home. 8. Mr wang goes to Dalian by t_.9.People like to eat d_ foods around the world.10.He is only a child .Dont be s_ with him.二所给的适当形式填空。(10分)1.Thank you for_tellus so much.2.They_ride bikes to the beach last weekend.3.Miss Wang is _friendto us.4.Look! The children_playsoccer over there.5.They enjoy _listento music.6.There are lots of_(visit) to the Great Wall every year.7.She _washclothes every morning.8.Its_sun. Lets go out for a walk.9.With your help,I could find my lost dog so_(easy)10.I am _(interest) in the story.三、单项选择。(20分)( )1.You are from Australia, can you _Japanese? A. speak B. say C. tell D.talk( )2. -What _rice would you like? -Egg rice, please. A.size B.size of C.kind D.kind of ( )3._ late for school again.A. Not BNot be CDont be D Arent( )4.This is my friend, he is a _boy. A.14-years-old B .14 years old C14-year-old D.14 year old( )5. _did you go to the zoo? - Three days ago.A.How B.Where C.When D.Why( )6.Go straight and _left. The hospital is next to the post office.A.walk B.take C.go D.turn ( )7.-What_your English teacher _like?She is tall with long hair.A.is, look B.is, looks C,does, look D.do, looks ( )8、My friend _of medium build and she _long hair.A.has, has B.is , is C.has , is D.is , has( )9.-How was your vacation, Sarah? -_.AIts pretty good B.Pretty good C.Its hot D.It was hot( )10.Money is important in my life,but it isnt _to me. A . anything B.something C.nothing D.everything( )11.How about _ fishing this afternoon? A.go B.goes C .going D.went( )12.I think its hard for her _the questions. A.answering B. to answer C. answer D answers.( )13.Mary likes playing _guitar, but she doesnt like playing _soccer. A. , B.the, the C., the D.the,( )14.John doesnt like math, Lily doesnt, _. A.also B .too C.either D.still( )15.-_the weather like today?its windy. A.What B.Whats C.How D.Hows( )16.Is there a park near here? _ _ A .Yes, theres. B.Yes,it is. C. No, there isnt. D.No,it isnt.( )17.-Why do you like dogs?Because they are _. A.lazy B.scard C.tired D.kind( )18.This TV so_that I dont want it,for I have much money now. A.expensive B.cheap Cexciting D.terrible.( )19.What would you like _for lunch? - A bowl of noodles, please. A.eat B.eating C.to eat D.ate( )20.There _ many people in the park yesterday. A was B .were C. are D.had四情景交际。(15分)1选出最佳选项补全对话,其中有一项是多余的。(5分)AWas it excting? B.How was your vacation?C.How was the movie? D.Frank helped me study it.E.Where did you go on vacation? F.Did you go to a movie last night?A: _1_ B;It was great ,I enjoyed it.A;_2_ B;My family went to the Great Wall.We visited my uncle in Bejing.A:_3_ B;No,I stayed at home and studied for the math exam._4_Did you go out?A:Yes,I did.I saw Rush Hour last night. A:_5_B:It was really exciting.1._ 2._ 3_ 4_ 5_2.根据对话内容,用适当的语句补全对话。(10分)A:Tom B:Peter C:WaiterA:Its 12 Oclock,and Im a little hunry,1._.B:OK.Is there a restaurant near here?A:Yes.Theres one 2._the park.Its not far,we can 3._there.(In the restaurant)C:4_?A:Wed like two bowls of beef soup with rice.C:5_?B:Yes.Two bottles of juice.C:OK,just a minute,please.五阅读理解。1.选词填空。(10分)A. interesting B.took C.on D.but E.because F.bought G.looked H.fun I.beach J.shopping K.spent L.funs I had a busy weekend.I got up at seven _!_Saturday morning.After breakfast, I went _2_with my mother,I was glad that my mother_3_a T-shirt for me.it _4_very mice.In the afternoon,I did my homework,it was difficult,so I _5_two hours doing it.After dinner,I went to a movie with my friend,It was _6_.we liked it very much_7_our
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