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1 Module12Module12 HelpHelp Unit1Unit1 WhatWhat shouldshould wewe dodo beforebefore helphelp arrives arrives 1 first aid 急救 He succeeded with the aid help of a hammer 借助于锤子 他获得了成功 2 base n medicine n basic medical help 3 imagine v imagine sth imagine doing imagine 从句 1 I can imagine the scene clearly in my mind 我可以清楚地想像出那个情景 2 Can you imagine flying like a bird in the sky 3 She can t imagine that he has done such a foolish thing I couldn t imagine how beautiful the scenery was imagination n He is full of imagination 他想象力很丰富 He is imaginative m d n t v adj 富于想像力的 4 at the bottom of the valley 在谷底 at the foot of the mountain 在山脚下 at the top of the roof 在屋顶 We walked up a flight of stairs 一段楼梯 go down the stairs go downstairs adv the man upstairs downstairs 楼上的人 楼下的人 5 区分 voice noise 和 sound She has a sweet voice n 嗓子 嗓音 There s so much noise n 噪音 It s noisy here adj 吵闹的 It s rude to talk noisily adv 喧闹地 喧哗地 She was too frightened to make a sound I woke up listening to the sound of birds singing every morning while I was in the countryside 当我在乡下时 每天清晨听着鸟儿的歌声醒来 sound n 泛指自然界的各种声音 6 be in pain be painful As the old saying goes No pains no gains 正如那句谚语所说 不劳无获 区分 sore hurt pain ache sore s r adj 多指 因发炎 疼痛的 酸痛的 have a sore throat 嗓子痛 hurt adj 受伤的 一般是外伤 be get hurt 也可以指情感 自尊的受伤 What he said just now hurt me deeply vt 伤害 hurt sb oneself vi 疼痛 My head hurts a lot 我的头很痛 pain n 可指 因受伤或生病而 疼 痛 痛苦 He felt a sharp pain in his knee 用于比喻义 指心灵的伤痛 也可指付出努力 take pains to do sth make efforts to do sth try to do sth ache n 多指 身体某部位的持续性 持续的疼痛 have a toothache 牙痛 headache 头痛 backache 背痛 stomachache 肚子痛 have an earache 耳朵痛 7 first of all 首先 above all next then finally 表示顺序的连接词 使 得事情陈述有条理 写作时值得参考 what s more besides 而且 8 区分 look for fine 和 find out 1 He his lost pen everywhere but he didn t it at last looked for find 2 Please who broke the vase find out 9 What s wrong with What s the matter trouble with 10 But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you 但是他有可能无法听到你或者和你 说话 could 表示推测 就相当于 might have trouble difficulty problems in doing sth 11 shout cry call for help 12 call 120 110 119 the police 13 make him comfortable comfort v 安慰 Thank you for comforting me 14 lift sb up vt 代词宾格只能放中间 lift me him her up lifted He is strong enough to lift the heavy furniture a lift n an elevator el ve t r AmE 15 sit him on a chair let make him take a seat 16 do harm to n be harmful to be bad for Polluted air is quite harmful to our health 17 drop v 遵循 vt 理解 My pet dog follows me wherever I go 无论我走到哪里 我的宠物狗都跟到哪 I m sorry I can t follow you Would you please speak a little more slowly 16 You can also help save others 17 get hit hurt 18 看起来他很痛苦 It looks like he is in pain It seems that he is painful He seems painful 19 区分 because of 和 because He was absent from school his bad illness He didn t come to school he was badly ill 20 clear the rocks off the roads 3 把岩石从公路上清除掉 21 by doing He made a living by pulling a rickshaw 他以拉黄包车为生 22 tsunami n 海啸 bubble n 气泡 23 learn about 了解关于 24 go funny mad crazy hungry bad go 相当于一个系动词 后面可接形容词 25 act quickly 26 be proud of I am proud of my daughter My daughter is my pride n 骄傲
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