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湖北省浠水县英才学校、兰溪中学2013-2014学年七年级英语上学期第一次月考试题 人教新目标版满分:120分 时间:120分钟一、单项选择。(共40分,每题1分)( )1.The girls name is Maria Schuartz, so her _ names Maria.A. last Bfamily Cfirst Dmother ( )2. Are you Mr Li? _.A. Yes, I am B. No, youre not C. Yes, you are( )3. Is this _ basketball? No. Its _ basketball. A. you;my B. my;you C. your;his( )4.Whats your telephone number? _ 278106. A.Im BIt CIts DIs it ( )5.Is that a ruler? No, _. Ait is Bit isnt Cthat is Dthat isnt( )6.Thats a girl. Her name is _.AWang Xiaoling BWang Xiao Ling C. Wang xiaoling D. Wang xiao ling ( )7. I _ a student. You _ a teacher. It _ a book.A.am, are, is B. be, are, is C. am, be, is D. am, is, are( )8. M y name _ Jim Green. A. am B. is C. are D. be( )9.How is Li Ming? _.A.He is good. B. He is a boy. C. He is fine. D. Im fine.( )10.Hello, Kate. Nice to meet you! _.A .How are you?B. Whats your name? C. Nice to meet you, too!D. Im fine.( )11. _ do you spell “pen”? P-E-N.A. What B. Where C. How D. Which( )12.This is Gina. _ phone number is 58746923.A. She B. Her C. He D. His( )13.In England, the last name is the _.A. family nameB. middle name C. given nameD. full name( )14.Is Grace your friend? Yes,_ is.A.his B. her C. she D. he( )15. Whats this _English? Its _orange.A. in; an B .at; an C. in; a D. on; the( )16.This is _ruler.A.I B.my a C.a my D.my( )17. What color is _jacket? Red.A.your B.I C.you D.it( )18.This is _pen and that is _orange.A.a; a B. an; an C.a; an D.an; a( )19.This is a ruler. _ruler is blue.A.A B.The C.An D./( )20. Are you Helen? _.A.No, Im not B. No, it isnt C.Yes, it is D.Yes, Im( )21.Mary is a(n)_student. She is _.A.good; fine B.well; OK C.OK; fine D.well; fine( )22.与字母L含有相同因素的一组字母是_.A.IM B.JP C.IO D.MN( )23.Your English is very good. _.A.Thank you B.Thanks you C.You are good D.Not good( )24._Steven._phone number is 215-0273.A.My is;I B.Im;My C.I is;ID.Im;I( )25. Whats _name? Hes Vinson.A.he B.hes C.his D.her( )26. Is it _backpack? No,it isnt.A.he B.she C.her D.hers( )27.This is _pen.A.white B.a white C.an red D.an green( )28.Look! This is _ID card.A.a B.an C.the D./( )29. Whats four and three? Its_.A.seven B.eight C.one D.six( )30._yourname? MynameisKate. A.Whats B.What C.Where( )31.IssheMaria? No,she_. A.is B.isnt C.arent( )32.“Oneonezero”表示_。A.火警 B.匪警 C.急救中心( )33.Whatsthis_English? Its_egg. A.to;a B.to;an C.in;an D.in;a( )34.Isthatanorange? _.Itsanapple. A.Yes B.No C.Itis D.Itisnt( )35._yourname. T-I-N-A,Tina. A.Spell B.Now C.Say D. Speak( )36.Mymomis_teacher.Shes_Englishteacher. A.a;an B.a;a C.an;a D.an;an( )37.IshernameKate? _ A.Yes,sheis. B.No,sheisnt. C.Yes,its. D.No,itisnt.( )38.Is this_English car ? No, its _Japanese car.A. a; a B.a; an C.an; an D.an; a( )39. Is your name Brown?A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, Im. D. No, Im not.( )40. I am a teacher. She is a teacher, _.A. to B. too C. two D. do二、语言知识运用。(共5分,每题1分) 词语释义,选出与句中划线部分意义最相近的解释,并将标号填入题前括号内。( )41.Glad to meet you. Glad to meet you, too. A. Good B. Nice C. nice D. Hi( )42. Whats your name, please? I m Tony. And your name? My name is Lily.A. And your mom?B. And how are you?C. And whats your name? D. And how old are you?( )43. How old are you? I mthirteen.A. thirty year oldB. thirteen year old C. thirteen years old D. three years old( )44. My hair is long.A. I have short hair. B. I have long hair.C. I have red hair.D. I have white hair.( )45. I come from the USA.A. China B. America C. UK D. UN三、完形填空。(共10分,每题1分)This girl1twelve. 2name is Kate. That boy 3thirteen. 4name is Tom. 5teacher 6a woman. 7name is
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