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单元(章节)课题Unit4 Astronomy: the science of the stars本节课题Using Language (Reading and discussing)课标要求Develop the students reading skills.三维目标1.Get students to read science fiction stories.2 .Get students to learn some useful expressions: float, pull; now that etc.3. Develop students reading skills by extensive reading.教材分析本部分的阅读是一个科幻小故事,通过“我”和“我的朋友”乘坐宇宙飞船登月球的经历,介绍了重量,失重和地球引力等科学道理。学情分析This part is much easier for students in Class3, but it seems a little difficult for students in Class 11 to understand well.教学重难点Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.提炼的课题Improve students skills by extensive reading.教学手段运用教学资源选择课本、报纸、练习册教学过程环节学生要解决的问题或任务教师教与学生学教师个性化修改Step I. Lead-in and revisionStepSelf-learning (Individual work)Step Students show Step ExplanationStepPracticeStepDiscussionStep SummaryStepEvaluation1.Free talk 2. A short video about ShenZhou7 to lead in the new class.Read the passage and then do the exercises on ppt.Exercise1: Answer the questionsExercise2: Fill in the blanks.Exercise3: True or FalseAsk some students to show their answers. Explain some difficult ones.Explain difficult words, phrases and sentences. While explaining, let some students make sentences. 1.Ask students to do some exercises on ppt.2. Deal with their problems.1.Ask students to discuss the questions on page exercise book page56.2.Show their opinions.Let students sum up “What they have learned in this period?”Evaluate students show and choose the best group.1. cheer (sb.) up2. watch do / doing3. now that 既然; 由于4. break out5. before long long before课堂检测内容第34期报纸阅读任务课后作业布置Learn the words and phrases by heart.预习内容布置Preview the grammar.
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