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单元(章节)课题Unit2 Working the land本节课题Grammar: The -ing form as subject and object.课标要求To discover and learn to use The -ing form as subject and object.三维目标1.Get the usage of -ing form as subject and object2. Enable Ss to use the ing form freely.3.Stimulate students interest in learning grammar.教材分析This teaching period mainly deals with the grammar: -ing form as subject and object. It is necessary for the students to grasp. In order to make it easy to accept and understand, the teacher should make the lesson interesting and connect it with their daily life.学情分析Ss often use the grammar , so they may have little trouble in using.教学重难点Get the students to master the usages of the -ing form as subject and object.Understand Which verbs are followed by ing?/Which verbs are followed by to do ? as object.提炼的课题The usage of -ing form as subject and object.教学手段运用教学资源选择textbook reference book 教 学 过 程环节学生要解决的问题或务教师教与学生学教师个性化修改Step1Lead-infind out the sentences using v- ing form in the text. reading the text and finding.Step2 learn The -ing form as subjectObversing andpractisingDo the exercise2 on the book page131. Obverse and practice.2. Sharing and checkingStep3learn The -ing form as objectdiscussing andpractisingDo the exercise3 and 4 on the book page131. discuss and practice.2.Sharing and checking课堂检测内容Finish the exercises on page 34(学案)课后作业布置Read the good examples and recite some of them Finish the exercises1/2 on page 50 预习内容布置Read the good examples and recite some of them page90
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