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1 PrincessPrincess MisbehaviourMisbehaviour Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess named Brianna Everyone in the country thought she was pretty but no one would play with her because she never listened to anyone including the King and Queen One night while she was sleeping a little birdie came to her in her dreams and told her that if she failed to listen to her parents her beauty would fade away She laughed at the bird and called him foolish She said she would stay beautiful until her dying day But next morning she awoke to find her long pretty hair was gone all her pearly white teeth were missing She broke down and cried out to the little birdie that had been in her dreams begging him to make her beautiful again She vowed1 she would never disobey her parents again The little bird was moved by the princess and restored her beauty She was so happy that she was back to her beautiful self From that day forth2 she had lots of friends and no one ever laughed at her again misbehaviour 无礼 princess 公主 birdie 小鸟 fail to 不能 没有 fade away 逐渐凋谢 慢慢减弱 pearly 珍珠似的 vow 发誓 disobey 违反 违抗 不服从 restore 恢复 归还 from that day forth 从那天起 无礼公主 从前 有一位美丽的公主 名叫布兰娜 国人们都认为她很漂亮 但是没人愿意和她玩 因 为她从来不听任何人的话 包括国王和王后的话 一天晚上 她正在睡觉时 一只小鸟进入 了她的梦乡 小鸟告诉她 如果她不听父母的话 她的美貌就会慢慢消失 她嘲笑那只鸟 还叫它傻瓜 她说她会一直拥有她的美貌 直到她死去 但第二天早上 她醒来时 发现她美丽的长发不见了 珍珠般雪白的牙齿也没了 她崩溃了 对着曾经出现在她梦里的小鸟哭起来 求它让她重新变得美丽 她发誓再也不会违抗她的父 母了 小鸟被公主感动了 恢复了她的美貌 重新又变回了原来的美丽 公主开心极了 从 那天以后 她有了很多朋友 而且没有人嘲笑她了 2
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