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Unit 5 1 三明治sandwich 复 sandwiches 2 遍及全世界all over the world 3 不迟于 在 之前by 4 每 每一per 5 至少at least 反义词 at most 6 像 一样as as 中间加形容词或 副词原级 和 不一样 not as so as 7 英寸inch 复 inches 8 请求 要求ask for 课前热身 1 奇异的事情 2 名字得于一个叫作约翰的人 一个叫作 的人 3 非常喜欢玩牌 4 停下来吃饭 为某事停下来 停下来去做某事 停止做某事 get its name from a man called John amazing things a man called named love playing cards very much stop for meals stop to have meals stop for sth stop to do sth stop to do sth stop doing sth 5 把肉放在两片面包之间 6 其他人想吃相同的食物 7 后来这个食物在全世界都很流行 8 在英国的第一台电视机展出 9 到1935年为止 10 大约有2000台电视在使用中 put meat between two pieces of bread Others wanted o eat the same food others other 名词 Later the food became popular all over the world the first TV show in the UK by 1935 about 2 000 TVs in use 在使用中 in use 11 每100户家庭有29台电视 12 现在大多数家庭至少有一台电视 13 现在电视有152英寸大 14 我们生活在一个精彩的世界里 里面有许 多令人惊奇的事物 15 你知道关于这种食物的一些事情吗 29 TVs per 100 families Now most families have at least one TV Now TVs can be as large as 152 inches We live in a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things Do you know anything about this kind of food 16 不久其他人想吃相同的食物 所以他们 也要 三明治 请求 要求 请求帮助 请求某人帮助 17 难道它不让人惊奇吗 不 让人惊奇 Soon others wanted to eat the same food so they asked for a sandwich ask for ask for help ask sb for help Isn t that amazing Yes it is 学海拾贝 一 Read the information about sandwich on P66 then answer the questions 1 DO you like eating sandwiches 2 Where did Sandwich get its name from 3 What did the man love doing 4 How did he make a sandwich It got its name from a man called John Montagu the Fourth Earl of sandwich He loved playing cards He put meat between two pieces of bread 二 Read the information about TV then answer the questions 1 Does your family have a TV 2 How many TVs do you have 3 When and Where was the first TV show 4 How many TVs were in use per 100 Chinese families in 1987 5 How big can TVs be now It was in the UK in 1926 About 29 They can be as large as 152 inches 三 Read the article together on P67 Para 1 introduction Para 2 give the theme Para 3 facts about sandwiches Para 4 feeling 四 知识要点 1 He did not want to stop for meals so he put meat between two pieces of bread 他不想停下来吃饭 因此 他把肉夹在了两片面包之间 stop for sth 意为 为某事停下来 相当于 stop to do sth 如 他们停下来吃晚饭 They They stop to do sth 意为 停下来去做某事 表示停下正在做的 事而去做另一件事 如 你累了 请停下来去休息一下 You are tired Please stop doing sth 意为 停止做某事 表示停止正在做的事 如 当老师进入教室的时候 所有的学生都停止了讲话 When the teacher came into the classroom all the students stopped stopped for supper stopped to have supper stop to have a rest talking 2 Now TVs can be as large as 152 inches 现在电视有 152英寸大 as as 意为 和 一样 中间加形容词或副词的原级 表示同级事物之间的比较 其否定形式为not as so as 意为 和 不一样 如 这块手表和那块一样便宜 The watch is that one 我不喜欢这本书 它不像那本那么好 I don t like this book It s not that one as cheap as as good as so good as 堂清巩固 词汇 1 The old man likes eating sandwich very much 2 late that day Sandy went shopping with her mother 3 The boy call Tom is my cousin 4 We live in a wonderful world with a lot of amaze things 5 In class all the students should listen to their teachers care sandwiches Later called amazing carefully 动词填空 1 The girls listen to the music just now 2 They finish the job the day after tomorrow 3 Are you afraid of fly 4 Jim usually wake up at 6 a m but this morning he wake up at 5 a m 5 It s time to go to bed Please stop watch TV 6 When you study in this school Last year listened will finish flying wakes woke watching did study 作文 请根据以下内容写篇80词左右的短文 1 我最喜欢的动物是大象 大象是陆地上存活的 living 最大的动物 2 因为大象很大它们不得不吃很多东西 一头大象 能吃100 1000磅 pound 草 它们能活60 70年 3 大象的脚底没有骨头 只有脂肪 大象用脚尖 on tiptoe 走路 因此走路时很轻 4 大象的牙齿很大 人们使用象牙做漂亮的东西 Elephants are my favourite animals They are the biggest living animals on the land They have to eat a lot of food every day because they are so big They eat 100 1000 pounds of grass in a day They can live 60 70 years There are no bones in the back of elephants feet only fat and they walk on tiptoe so they move quietly Elephants have large teeth so people make many nice things out of them
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