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公路桥梁Ganger 工长Skilled labour 技工Operator for heavy.重型设备操作工Welder 焊工Propel 推进 驱动Concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌机Stone crushing plant 破碎系统Asphalt plant 沥青系统Grader 平地机In figures 小写In words 大写Bitumen 沥青 柏油Bitumen distributor 沥青撒布工Portable pump 手提式泵Diameter 直径 semi diameterExcavator/backhoe 反铲Welding machine 焊机Cement 水泥Aggregate 骨料Earth works 土石方工程Clearing and grubbing 清理Cutting and removal of tree 移植Unsuitable material 不合格料Disposal 处置Stockpile 储备 堆放Back fill 回填Cladding layer 覆盖层Girth 周长 围长Borrow pit in arranged land 借土Swamp 沼泽 湿地Sub-grade works 路基工程improved sub-grade 路基改善Fine aggregate 细骨料1st class bricks 1级砖Dismantle portions 拆除部分Brick Masonry 砖砌结构Pavement works 路面工程Repair of Pothole 坑洼坑洞修补Milling of exiting pavement 刨除现有路面Sub-base 底基层Bituminous Prime Coat 沥青透层Bituminous Tack Coat 沥青粘结层Wearing Course 磨耗层Base Course 基层Sole agent 独家代理 Bored piles 钻孔灌注桩Plug 插头 塞住Carry out 执行Load test 荷载测试Pilot 飞行员 试点的Strain 张力 拉紧Dynamic 应变力lateral load 侧向荷载Grade beam 地基梁Flyover 天桥 立交桥Culvert 涵洞Pier 桥墩 码头Pedestal 底座 基座Superstructure 上部结构Sub structure 下部结构Box girder 箱梁Crane girder 吊车梁Pres tress 预应力Strand 线 串 prestressing strandsExpansion joint 伸缩缝Seal 封闭 strip sealElastic 弹性的 松紧带Bearing of bridge 支座Friction 摩擦Slab 板Incidental 附带的 杂项Catch pit 积水坑Bedding 垫层 mortar bedding 砂浆垫层Kerb 路缘石Gutter 排水沟Fiber 纤维Filter 过滤Crash barrier 防撞栏Triangle traffic signs 三角交通标志roundAluminum 铝 铝的Plaster 石膏Hook 挂钩 钩住Tile 瓷砖 瓦片White washing 刷白Polish 抛光Lime 石灰Panel (仪表/控制)面板 小组Stainless steel 不锈钢Rusty 生锈的Copper 铜Sensor device 感言装置Sanitary 卫生的Oriental 东方的Commode 马桶 洗脸台wash basinFuse 融合 熔断 保险丝Arrester 避雷器lightning protectionCircuit breaker 断路器Blade 叶片Exhaust 排出 排气 使精疲力尽Split 分开 分离 劈开Slot 插槽 Laboratory 试验室Road base 路基Gravel 碎石Bank guarantee银行保函unlimited competitive open biding公开招标security company担保公司payment guarantee支付保函cost plan成本计划clients requirements业主要求offer报价quotation bid evaluation评标Audit 审核review commentDefect 缺陷preventive action预防措施Bearing platform 承台Bench mark 水准点Bending strength 抗弯强度Bent cap 盖梁Annual average daily traffic 年平均日交通量Aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量Admixture 外加剂Abutment 桥台Bituminous surface treatment 沥青表处Toll system 收费系统Traffic flow 交通流量traffic volumeCumulative toll revenue 累计收费Toll station 收费站Toll rate 收费标准Adjustment for toll rate 收费调整Preference 优先 偏爱GDP growth forecast 经济增长预测Historic economic statistic(record) 历史经济数据Daily record 日报表Traffic survey 交通调查Traffic composition 交通组成Traffic density 交通密度Peak(design) hourly volume 高峰(设计)小时交通量Base year 基年Planned road network 规划路网Parallel road 平行路网Base/optimistic/conservative case 基本/乐观/保守方案
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