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高考英语一模试卷 题号IIIIIIIVVVI总分得分一、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,共20.0分)AHello, everyone Because of the high rate of school violence in some areas, teenagers safety becomes a serious Problem We are planning to set up an organization named School Watch to make sure that students have a safe school environment Please be part of our plan!What is School Watch?School Watch is a volunteer project in our school It helps us stop violence and improve the quality of school life It will keep yourself and your schoolmates safe The other members of School Watch care for you and your classroom and you do the same for themIs it for everyone?Anybody can become a member of School Watch because everyone has something to offerWhat else can it do?School Watch makes it possible for us not only to help each other but also to make friends with each other Some members may offer to help schoolmates who have problems with their homeworkWho is the School Watcher?Our school will look for the best School Watcher and give him or her lots of prizes You could be the one!How do you start?To be part of this plan, the only thing you need to do is to talk to the director of the plan in your grade If you want to get more information, check the official website at wwwschoolwatchcom1. The members of School Watch are probably _ A. teenagersB. parentsC. policemenD. teachers2. School Watch can help its members _ A. save the environmentB. organize sports activitiesC. improve the quality of school lifeD. improve students marks3. Anyone can become a member of School Watch because _ A. everyone may have problemsB. everyone can give help to othersC. everyone needs to make some friendsD. everyone wants to have good marks4. If you want to be a member of School Watch, you should _ A. check the websitesB. be good at your schoolworkC. talk to the director of the plan in your gradeD. get good mark5. The Best School Watcher will get a lot of prizes from _ A. the schoolB. the websiteC. the organizationD. the planBThere are many different kinds of music in the world Now lets study some of them Classical music is a form of music which needs high musical skills If you want to learn this kind of music, you have to go through proper training Heavy metal music came out after World War II The melody(旋律)of the song is heavily influenced by the structure of it It is also known asinformation music In heavy metal music, songwriting is based on a form Hip hop music always includes the use of instruments such as the guitar, violin, piano bass(低音电吉他) drums and so on In this kind of music, the bass is the main instrument It was first played by a group of traveling singers and poets of West Africa Opera music first appeared in Italy in the 1600s It has a great mixture of theatrical(戏剧的) art and musical invention and is used in theaters Jazz music has strong and complex(复杂的) melodies The main musical instruments are the cornet, trumpet and violin, which help carry the melody Besides these, there are many other kinds of music such as the blues, new age music,Celtic music, religious music, and chamber music6. Classical music _ A. needs high musical skillsB. is based on a formC. is used in the theatersD. has strong and complex melodies7. How many kinds of music does the writer mention in the passage? _ A. 5B. 7C. 9D. 108. The _ is used in both hip-hop music and jazz musicA. pianoB. violinC. trumpetD. cornet9. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? _ A. Heavy metal music appeared before World War IIB. Only after proper training can you learn classical musicC. Opera music first appeared in West AfricaD. People call jazz musicinformation music10. Whats the best title of the passage? _ A. Different Kinds of MusicB. Our Favorite MusiciansC. We Love Music BestD. Welcome to the Music Club二、单选题(本大题共29小题,共29.0分)11. -Wouldyoumindmyopeningthedoor?-_()A. No,ofcoursenotB. Yes,pleaseC. Yes,youcanD. No,youcantopenit12. -Heapologized_histeacher_beinglateforclassagain-ImsosorryIwontagain()A. for;toB. to;forC. to;toD. for;for13. _usefulinformationyougaveme!Thankyouverymuch()A. WhatB. WhataC. WhatanD. How14. -Doyouhaveenoughpeopletofinishthework?-No,Ithinkweneed_people()A. anotherB. twoothersC. twoanotherD. twomore15. -_?-Idlikeasteakandasalad()A. WhatsthespecialtyhereB. WhatareyourfavoritedishesC. WouldyoulikesomethingtodrinkD. MayItakeyourorder16. _hereadthebook,_hegotinit()A. Themore;themoreinterestingB. Themore;themoreinterestedC. Theless;themoreinterestingD. more;interesting17. -Whydoyouliketheno
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