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2014 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)试卷A 1.C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7.C 8. B 9.A 10. B11. C 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. C试卷B 1.C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6.A 7. B 8. B 9. B 10.A11. C 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. C试卷AText 1W: Ive never seen a machine like this before. I have no idea how to buy a drink on it. Could you help me?M:Sure, it is quite easy.Text2M: Do you have any plans to write books for teenagers? W: Actually, my first two novels were for teenagers, Im thinking and writing another one next year.Text3W: Sir, how long will I wait before the result comes out?M: About two weeks will give you a call, if you get the job.Text4M: Feel like having some cake, my mom made it.W: Chocolate cake? well , that I can never refuse.Text5W: Until cold, why until wear a jacket?M: I got up late this morning. So I run out of the house without listening the whether forecast.Text6W: Where shall we seat it , look, there are some seats in the corner.M: But I think the seat by the window are better. It will be colder.W: OK, there are still some by the window. Lets go and seat there.M: Fine.W: So, what would you like to eat?M: I really hungry, I think I will have beef and salad, beef in this restaurant taste very good. Why dont you try it?W: I dont eat meat, I will have a cheese sandwich instead.M: What about drinks? I will have some black tea, my favorite drink.W: How much it is that?M: Its two dollars fifty cents.W: Thats really expensive. I like something cheaper. I only have five dollars left. I will have a cup of coffee. It is only one dollar fifty cents.Text7M: Hi, mom, how are you?W: Im fine, Jack. How is the math course going?M: Its going well actually. I really enjoy unit three. Mainly, because it is not that difficult compare with other units.W: Good, and what about the teachers? What are they like?M: Well, Ive got four, on the role, highly knowledgeable, but professor John is my favorite. I really response well to the way he teaches.W: And are you fellow students nice to ?M: Yes, I made lots of friends and everyone seems to be very hard working. The course has lots of great work, but to be honest, that is really the way I like, I prefer to study alone.W: Oh, well, I suppose to everything can be perfect. You will get you to it.M: I will try mom. Thanks.Text 8 独白 Good afternoon, everyone! Thanks to you hard work on our company and sounds really well over the past twelfths months, so we have decided to give you a day off next Friday to go on a day trip pay for by the company. There were two types of choices, one is the nature choice which is the trips to the lakes. You all know how lovely the lakes are up this time of year and dont forget to bring alone your working shoes. The bus will be leaving at 8:30 in the morning and gets back at 6:30 in the evening. The second choice is the historical tool which is a trip to a castle. One think though, they will told us that anyone who comes to the castle has to wear soft shoes. The reason for this is that some of the wood floors in the castle are very old. And can be easily damaged by other kinds of shoes. The bus will also be leaving at 8:30 in the morning but will bring you back here at 4:30 in the afternoon. Thats all for me for the moment any questions. 2014试卷BText 1W: Has Jammy returned from Berlin yet?M: Yes, he came back to London just a few days ago, but he is leaving for Rome next week.Text 2M: Would you like to go to the moves with Linda and me on Sunday?W: I wish I could, but Im having dinner with my brothers.Text 3W: Come into this room and wait for a while.M: The doctor told me to wait inside and then the nurse told me to wait outside. Now Im wrong again.Text 4W: How did you like the comfort, I found it really moving.M: I love classical music but that conductor did not seem very experienced.Text 5W: These summer days are getting to be more than I can take. It was even too hot to go to the swimming pole yesterday.M: Hold on, the weather report said there will be some change by the end of the week.Text 6W: Dad, pocket money day, can I have my pocket money?M: Oh, I forgot about that.W: You always forget.M: I gets I do. How much do I owe you?W: Just 30 dollars.M: 30 dollars? Why do I owe you that much? Just seems like I paid you the other day.W: No, you forgot every Saturday and I have been waited.M: Well, Im not sure if I have that much.W: Go to the bank, you have lots of money there.M: Lots of money, er? So what you going to do with your pocket money?W: Well, last time, I put some savings and get some to the poor people. This time I going to buy some books.M: That sounds great, honey. You will have the money.Text 7M: Hello, I want to return these four books.W: But two of them would you on Monday. Youre late by three days. Im afraid you have to pay the fine.M: Oh, yes, I know t
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