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教案-欧淑练Book 6-Module 1 Small Talk-2018年春季第5周教学反思 本模块以Small Talk为话题,通过教学,使学生对各种不同的闲聊话题、技巧、注意事项、社交方法、规则等加以了解并能够学会用small talk和别人进行交流。学会使用非正式的日常用语;能正确运用“责任义务和无责任义务”的表达法;学会读、写电子邮件。Teaching goals l small talk, informal, conversation, unimportant, topic, leave outl Wonderful, arent they?/Been here before?/Language course?/Staying long?Going anywhere nice?l Enable the students to know what small talk is and how to make small talk.l Help the students learn how to talk about small talk.Teaching important pointsLet the students learn to talk about small talk.Teaching difficult points How to make small talk.Teaching planPeriod1 SpeakingPeriod2 ListeningPeriod3 ReadingPeriod4 Extensive ReadingPeriod5 GrammarPeriod6 WritingTeaching procedures The First Period SpeakingStep I Lead-in and Warming UpT: Good morning/afternoon, everybody. Glad to meet you.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Sir/Madam.T: Very glad to see you again. Welcome to continue you senior English study. After finishing the required courses, today well begin the elective courses. But why choose the elective, can you tell me?S1: Yes. Ive been good at English since the beginning. I feel interested in English. Ive really learned a lot about both language and cultures. And I want to learn more.S2: Yes. Ive decided to further my English study for future use. Though Im not interested in it, I have to improve it. Because I prefer computer science and it is necessary for me to know more English.T: Great. Hope you all can make it. For further English study, you should work harder and try to practice more. By the way, do you find it interesting to communicate with others in English?S3: Yes. Very interesting. We can learn a lot from each other. T: Who do you often talk with?S3: I often talk with my desk-mate. She speaks English very well. I enjoy talking with her. S4: Thank you. And I enjoy talking with you too. T: And what do you often talk about?S4: Usually about English study, math or physics problems, etc. S3: Sometimes clothes and sports.T: Do you find nervous when talking with your class-mates?S5: Of course not. T: Do you often make plans before your talking with someone?S6: No, never. We talk freely. S7: Sometimes just for fun. . Step SpeakingTask 1: Talk about small talk T: Now here comes a question Is the conversation between us serious?Ss: No.T: What kind of conversation do you think is serious then?S1: Conversations on politics.S2: Conversations on examinations, careers.T: We do often talk with each other every day. Well, whats the difference? Do you think conversations can be classified as small or big, serious or free or anything else? S: Its true that conversations are different in different occasions or events.T: Good. We do have different kinds of conversa-tions, formal or informal, serious or free, small or big, etc. Today well talk about small talk. But what does small talk really mean? Now please read the explanations given in different famous English dictionaries on page 1. Answer the questions in Activity 1. S3: I think the definition given in the Longman Diction-ary sounds like a positive thing. Because it says small talk is polite friendly conversation about unimportant subjects.S4: The definitions given by Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary and Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary refer to places where small talk might take place: “at social occasions” and “usually at a social event”.S5: I think it is difficult for him to communicate and make friends with others. At the same time it shows that he lacks confidence.S6: I think it can be translated as “闲谈” or “聊天”.Task 2: Ask the students to answer the questions in Activity 2T: Now I think you have understood what small talk means. Small talk is a kind of informal conversa-tion about unimportant topics at social occasions. So it is not about serious subjects. Now lets do Activity 2. In this Activity ten topics are given. Some of them are serious and some are suitable for small talk. Now prepare and then answer the following questions. S1: I think careers, examinations, politics are serious topics and the others can be small talk.T: Thats right. When people make small talk in different occasions, they can choose many topics including some of the given topics. In English-speaking countries people usually agree about the weather, so it is a safe topic for small talk. Sports news is a very common topic, too. Entertainment news, such as a celebrity who is in town, is another good topic. But personal affairs such as salaries or a recent divorce, religion or politics are not suitable topics for small talk in English. So when you are talking to a foreigner, you should choose proper topics. Or you may cause discomfort or embarrass-ment. Next question.S2: We often talk about film stars and sports stars because my friends and
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