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第 1 页 共 13 页 高考英语模拟试卷 高考英语模拟试卷 题号IIIIIIIVV总分 得分 一 阅读理解 本大题共 10 小题 共 25 0 分 A Three brown bears in the distance catches Charlie Russell s eye When they get a metre or so away from him the huge animals slow down The leading bear holds her face very close to Rusell s She touches his nose with her own and Russell breaks into a smile Hey little bear he says Rusell now 70 has spent more than ten springs and summers living with brown bears in the eastern most part of Russia No question bears are dangerous says Russell but he also argues that fearing them prevents us from recognizing their intelligent playful and peaceful nature They attack us because we abuse them he insists What I want to do now is work on the human side of the problem Russell says In Canada a country where cities spread deep into the rural landscape and hunters kill about 450 bears annually he is determined to change the way we treat our neighbors Russell was raised with the idea that the only good bear is a dead bear His father a hunter shared stories of cruel brown bears with his five children However when the family s hunting business declined in the early 1960s Russell joined his father on an expedition to film brown bears in Alaska Russell couldn t help but wonder why bears behaved aggressively towards people carrying guns but left the film makers alone I suspected they didn t like cruelty he says In 1994 he tested out his theory in British Columbia s Khutzeymateen Inlet where he took tourists on bear viewing tours One afternoon while resting on a log between guiding trips Russell sat still as a female brown bear casually approached I knew if I did not move she would keep coming he later said I had decided to let her come as close as she wanted Russell spoke to the bear in gentle tones and she sat down beside him She put her paw on his hand and Russell responded to the gesture touching her nose lip and teeth These were the iron jaws featured in his father s campfire stories now no more threatening than the nose of a little dog If he could repeat similar moments Russell believed he could prove that just by treating bears kindly people can live safely with them 1 According to Russell bears attack humans because they A mistreat them B are afraid of them C mistake their playful tricks D have no idea of their real nature 2 The underlined part in Para 4 suggests A a good bear never dies B a live bear is dangerous C the only good bear is dead D a bear is aggressive to gun holders 3 The author s purpose of writing this passage is to A show us how brave he is B warn us not to approach bears 第 2 页 共 13 页 C encourage us to play with bears D tell us to live in peace with bears B A survey of 1 000 people showed that an incredible 60 percent of workers ate at their desks every day while two thirds take 30 minutes or less for lunch This means they are working an extra 180 hours a year equal to 16 eight hour days Even when staffs do manage to leave their desks they are usually on business with nearly a quarter admitting to regularly using the time to catch up with professional contacts An academic expert in the science of workplaces said employees were putting their health at risk by refusing to take a lunch break Dr Tissington Associate Dean of Business Partnerships at Aston University said people feel under pressure at work with many spending long hours at their desks tapping away at keyboards staring at screens and sitting with bad posture in awkward positions He said it was important for workers to take regular breaks get up move and walk around a bit Resting or taking a break in the middle of the day helps to clear out the mind and prepares us for a productive afternoon he said The feeling of guilt for taking lunch breaks is a subject that is concerning and probably requires proper investigation he added Dr Tissington mentioned he makes sure to get away from his desk at lunchtime and deliberately chooses to get lunch from different places changing his route to get there This has the added benefit of exercise he explained and working in a large organization it gives me the opportunity to meet different colleagues along the way Office workers had admitted to sacrificing their lunch breaks to further their careers PR assistant Tammy Phillips 24 said he hadn t taken a lunch break since past two years The way I view it is that I can get on with work when it s quieter at lunch time and it never hurts your career for the bosses to see you at your desk when your colleagues swan out fora sandwich he said The competition for jobs now is so fierce that I ve known friends who have quit smoking because they don t want to be seen to go out for a cigarette during the day 4 We can learn from the first paragraph that A workers want to escape from their work B many workers do not take a full lunch break C different workers have different lunch breaks D most workers are not permitted to have a full lunch break 5 Which of the following is true about Dr Tissington A He 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