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英语必修外研版m1课时演练4Its high time you had your hair cut;its getting_.Atoo much longBmuch too longClong too muchDtoo long much解析:考查形容词和副词的排序。语意:你真该理发了,你的头发太长了。短语too much“太多”,修饰不可数名词;much too表示“太”,可修饰形容词、副词。答案:B5Amy joined a painting group but didnt seem to_,so she left.Ashow offBgo upCfit inDcome over解析:句意:艾米参加了绘画小组,但似乎不适应,所以就离开了。show off炫耀;go up上升,上涨,增长;fit in(with sb./sth.)be a smoothly fitting part(of sth.)/be in harmony(with sb./sth.)与(某事物)相适应,与(某人/某事物)相协调;come over过来。答案:C6It was a nice house,but_too small for a family of five.ArarelyBfairlyCratherDpretty解析:句意:那是一套很不错的房子,可是对一个五口之家来说太小了。四个选项中只有rather可以修饰too,其他三个选项不能与too连用故全被排除。答案:C7Her shoes_her dress;they look very well together.AsuitBfitCcompareDmatch解析:句意:她的鞋和她的裙子很匹配,搭配得很好。suit是指颜色、花样或款式等相配;fit是大小、尺寸等正合适;compare比较;match指两个东西相称、匹配。答案:D8 _a moment and I will go to your rescue.AGo onBHold onCMove onDCarry on12No one likes to see his feelings_.Gabriel Oak turned away.Alaugh atBto be laughed atClaughing atDlaughed at解析:句意:没有人喜欢看到他的感情被嘲弄,所以盖波利尔欧克把头转了过去。此句中laughed at是过去分词短语作宾补,与宾语feelings是被动关系。答案:D13He called for complete quiet.However,every hour or so the phone by his bed would ring.It was driving him_.AnervousBanxiousCeagerDcrazy
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