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三年级英语期末试卷听力部分 (40)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,听两遍。(10)( ) 1.A. IDB. IQC. IP( ) 2.A. goodB. goodbyeC. look( ) 3.A. blueB. brownC. black( ) 4.A. thatB. shirtC. T-shirt( ) 5.A. noB. niceC. not二、 听录音,根据所听到的内容,在相应图片下用数字标号,听两遍。(10) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、 听录音,判断所听内容与图意是否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”,听两遍。(10)1.2.3. ( ) ( ) ( )4.5. ( ) ( ) 四、 听录音,根据所听问句,选择正确的答句,听两遍。(10)( ) 1.A. She is my sister. B. He is my brother.( ) 2.A. All right. B. Thank you. ( ) 3.A. Its nice. B. OK. ( ) 4.A. No, thank you. B. No, Im not. ( ) 5.A. Its a car. B. Yes, please. 笔试部分 (60)一、 根据图片写单词,注意字母规范书写。(5)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、 英汉互译。(10)1. 一位好朋友 _ 2. a toy car _3. 什么颜色 _ 4. How nice! _5. 早上好 _ 6. go to school _7. 一只鸡蛋 _ 8. What about? _9. 一顶红色的帽子 _ 10. some CDs _三、 找出不同类的单词。(10)( ) 1. A. fatherB. mother C. family ( ) 2.A. myB. he C. she( ) 3.A. evening B. niceC. afternoon( ) 4.A. sweet B. cakeC. white( ) 5.A. this B. that C. hot dog四、 选择题。(10)( ) 1. Would you like _?A. ice creamB. an ice creamC. a ice cream( ) 2.-Hello, Sam. -_A. Hi, Miss LiB. Hi, Im Miss Li.C.Goodbye, Miss Li.( ) 3.-Whats this ? -Its an _ car.A. orange B. blueC. green ( ) 4.-This is Sam. - _.A. Nice to meet you.B. Good morning. C. Goodbye.( ) 5.-_ - Yes, please. A. What about a pie?B.What do you like?C. Are you Liu Tao?五、 匹配题。(10)( ) 1. Look at my skirt.A. Its orange. ( ) 2. This cake is for you. B. Its a blue cat. ( ) 3. Happy New Year. C. Thank you. ( ) 4. What colour is it?D. Happy New Year. ( ) 5. Whats this?E. Great. 六、 根据情景,选择合适的句子。(10)( ) 1.晚上临睡觉前,要对父母说:A. Good evening. B. Good afternoon. C. Good night. ( ) 2.新同学迈克在班级做自我介绍,他应该说:A. This is Mike. B. Im Mike. C. Hi, Mike. ( ) 3.你赞赏对方的衬衫,可以说:A. All right. B. Its nice. C. Thank you. ( ) 4.当你遇见熟人打招呼时,你应该向对方说:A. Good afternoon. B. Hello! C. Im Mike. ( ) 5.刘涛想向父母介绍李老师时,说:A. Im Miss Li. B. Hi, Miss Li. C. This is Miss Li. 七、 阅读短文。(5)This is a photo(照片) of my family. My name is Tim. Im eight. There are(有)five people(人)in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister, my brother and me. My mother is a teacher. My father is doctor. Mary is my sister. Shes two. Tom is my brother. He is six. I love my family. I have some friends. I love my friends, too. ( )1. _ is Tims brother. A. Tom B. Alice C. Mary( )2. Tim is _. A. 8 B. 9 C. 10( )3. Mary has(有) _ brothers. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3( )4. How many people are there in Tims family? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5( )5. 下面哪句话是正确的? A. Tims mother is a teacher. B. Mary is a doctor. C. Mary is Tims friend. 三年级英语期末试卷听力内容及答案听力部分 (40)五、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,听两遍。(10)1IQ 2. Goodbye 3. black 4. T-shirt 5. No(1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A)六、 听录音,根据所听到的内容,在相应图片下用数字标号,听两遍。(10)1. a dog 2. a hot dog 3. Helen 4. an ice cream 5. a cat6. brown 7. Yang Ling 8. orange 9. grandpa 10. a doll (3 1 7 5 9 )(2 6 10 4 8 )七、 听录音,判断所听内容与图意是否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”,听两遍。(10)1. Look at my shirt. 2. Good afternoon. 3. She is Helen. She is my friend. 4. This is Tina. She is my sister. 5. What about a cake? Yes, please. ( )八、 听录音,根据所听问句,选择正确的答句,听两遍。(10)1.This is Helen. 2. This hot dog is for you.3. Look at my red skirt.4. Would you like a pie?5. What about a cake?( A B A A B )5
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