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江苏师范大学 外国语学院 许露露期末考试复习1、 填空1、 任务的类型 classification of task( Pica. Kanagy and Falodun, 1993):Jigsaw tasks 拼图型任务Information-gap tasks信息差型任务Problem-solving tasks 解决问题型任务Decision-making tasks做出决定型任务Opinion exchange tasks交换意见型任务2、 词汇的类型:Passive vocabulary/receptive vocabulary 消极词汇。Refers to words that one is able to recognize and comprehend in reading or listening but unable to use automatically in speaking and writing.Active vocabulary/productive vocabulary 积极词汇3、 词汇归类记忆:Students can bu guided to organize the words according to different categories(movie/music) or topics(job hunting) 缺一个4、 词汇学习策略Review regularly(定期复习)Guessing meaning from context 根据上下文猜测词义organize vocabulary effectively 有效地归类词汇 use a dictionary使用词典manage strategy use策略使用5、 常用的学生分组活动:whole class work全班集体活动pair work结对活动group work 小组活动individual work个人学习6、 阅读教学模式 bottom-up model自下而上模式,top-down model 自上而下模式and interactive model互动模式.7、 英语教学的基本原则:语音语法词汇综合教学原则、阶段侧重原则、交际性原则、以学生为中心的原则、以及利用和控制使用本族语的原则。8、 分析评议一节英语课:关于教学原则、关于教学目标、关于教学过程、关于课型和教学环节、以及关于教具的使用、板书、教态、课堂气氛和对偶发事件的处理等方面。2、 简答题1、 任务型教学法的定义和优点。Task-based Language Teaching(TBLT)refers to an approach based on the use of tasks in our daily life as the core unit of planning and instruction in language.所谓任务型语言教学,其核心思想就是要模拟人们生活中人们运用语言所从事的各类活动,把语言教学与学习者在今后的日常生活中的语言应用结合起来。(1) TBLT stressed the students learning. The tasks can contribute to whole-person development.任务型教学法强调学生的学习过程,学习任务可以帮助学生全身心的发展。(2) The attention to students needs,interests and abilities means that we should vary our teaching styles to take account of the different learning ways.关注学生的需求、兴趣以及能力发展,教师需要采用不同学习方式来使教学风格多样化。(3) Have a balance between the focus on holistic communication and the focus on form.关注交流,同时也关注语言形式。(4) TBLT is a very flexible form of teaching and learning.任务型教学法的教学和学习活动非常的灵活。2、 说课的概念和内容说课的概念:说课就是教师口头表述具体课题的教学设想及其理论依据,也就是授课教师在备课的基础上,面对同行或教研人员,讲述自己的教学设计,然后由听者评说,达到互相交流,共同提高的目的的一种教学研究和师资培训的活动。说课的内容可以划分为四大块。即:“说课标”(课程标准与教材分析、教学方法)、“说教材”(参考或使用的主要配套资料、教辅材料、教学设施等)、“说教法”、“说学法”(教学过程和板书设计与其它说明等)。3、 Hedge所论述的交际能力主要包括哪几个方面?(中英文)主要有5个方面:linguistic competence(语言能力)Pragmatic competence(语用能力)discourse competence(语篇能力)strategic competence(策略能力)Fluency(流利度)4、 教案通常应包括哪些内容:教学目的教学提纲教学过程教学重点教学难点教学教具指定作业评鉴考查板书设计备注心得a.课题(说明本课名称) b.教学目的(或称教学目标,说明本课所要完成的教学任务) 知识目标中,常用知道“了解”、理解”等词语来表述。 技能目标中,常用“学会”、“掌握”、“熟练掌握”等词语来表述。 情感目标中,常用“体会”、“体验”、“感受”、“认识”等词语来表述。 c课型与教学工具 d课时与教学方法(如:讲授法、讨论法、任务驱动法、交流法、互动法、练习法等) e教学重点(说明本课所必须解决的关键性问题) f教学难点(说明本课的学习时易产生困难和障碍的知识点)g教学过程(或称课堂结构,说明教学进行的内容、方法步骤)h作业处理(说明如何布置书面或口头作业) i板书设计(说明上课时准备写在黑板上的内容)j教学反思(成功的经验和失败的教训)三、论述题1、 请论述在任务型教学法中的任务都具有哪些特征或特点?1. One-way or two-way: whether the task involves a one-way exchange of information or two-way exchange.2. Convergent or divergent: whether the students achieve a common goal or several different goals.3. Collaborative or competitive: whether the students collaborate to carry a task or compete with each other on a task.4. Single or multiple outcomes: whether there is single outcome or marry different outcomes are possible.5. Concrete or abstract language: whether the task involves the use of concrete or abstract language.6. Simple or complex processing: whether the task requires relatively simple or complex cognitive processing.7. Simple or complex language: whether the linguistic demands of the task are relatively simple or complex.8. Reality-based or not reality-based whether the task mirrors a real world activity or is a pedagogical activity not found in the real world.2、如何成为一个优秀的中学英语教师(6)To be a good English teacher does not only depend on his or her command of the language but on other elements.These elements can be categorized into three groups:ethic devotion,professional qualities and personal styles. These three aspects constitute the professional competence of a good English teacher.However,the most important and most difficult part of being a good English teacher is not the professional competence but the development of it. The development of professional competence for a good English teacher involves two stages and a goal.The first stage is language development.All English teachers are supposed to have a sound of English. As language is the subject matter for a language teacher and also because language always changing,language development can never come to an end.The second stage involves three sub-stages:learning, practice,and reflection. The learning stage is actually the purposeful preparation which includes:learning from others experience,learning the received knowledge and learning from ones own experience as a learner. The learning stage is followed by practice that can be used in two senses. In one sense,it is a short period of time assigned to do teaching practice. The other sense of practice is the real classroom teaching. Teachers benefit from practice if they keep on reflection on what
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