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英语选修7外研版m1课时演练AIn place ofBInstead ofCIn case ofDIn spite of解析:句意:为防火灾,所有疏散通道务必畅通。A项In place of代替;B项Instead of取代,替代;D项In spite of尽管。只有C项In case of以防,符合题意,故选C项。答案:C4You have to be a fairly good speaker to _ listeners interest for over an hour.AholdBmakeCimproveDreceive解析:句意:你是一个相当好的演说家,能抓住听众的兴趣达1个多小时之久。hold ones interest固定搭配,意为:吸引某人的兴趣。答案:A5People first began to wear hats to_themselves from the climate.AdefendBprotectCpreventDguard解析:defend保卫,捍卫,含有积极防御的意味;prevent.from阻止某人做某事;guard守卫,守护;protect保护,防护,故B项正确。答案:B6(2012牡丹江模拟)The fortress(堡垒)is _ by its cannon, _ by its walls and guarded by sentries(哨兵)Adefended;defendedBprotected;protectedCdefended;protectedDprotected;defended解析:句意:堡垒被大炮、城墙和士兵保卫着。defend强调积极抵抗敌人;protect不含积极抵抗的含义。答案:C9Mary told us on the phone she would be back _.Ain an instantBon a instantCfor instanceDfor an instant解析:in an instant即刻;不久之后;B、C两项搭配错误;for an instant一会儿;一瞬间。答案:A10Teaching is not just a simple piece of work;its an art _ a science.Ais based onBbased withCbased onDdepended on解析:based on a sciencewhich is based on a science。答案:C11Great attention must be paid _ education,especially in the countryside.AdevelopBto developCto developingDdeveloping解析:该题考查pay attention to的被动形式,其中to为介词,故其后接developing作宾语,而不用动词原形。答案:C12When I got there,he was _ a wedding party.AattendingBjoiningCattending toDjoining in14He felt that he didnt _ to be given such a great honor.AsupposeB deserveCmeanDintend解析:句意:他感到他不该得到这么大的荣誉。答案:B15The newlydiscovered star was named _ a Chinese astronomer _ honor of his contributions to astronomy.Afor;inBafter;forCas;inDafter;in解析:name after以的名字命名;in honor of为了纪念。答案:D
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