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新陕旅版三年级英语上册期末测试卷一、默写26个英文字母大小写和数字1-10。( 26分 )字母: 数字: 二、读一读,连一连。( 20分)( )1.How are you? A.Good night.( )2.Good morning! B.Me,too.( )3.Whats this? C.Yes, I do.( )4.Are these bear? D.Eight.( )5.What color is it? E.Im fine.Thank you.( )6.Whats your name? F.Good mornig.( )7.How many crayos do you have? G. My name is Alice.( )8.Do you have toys? H.Its an egg.( )9.Nice to meet you. I. No,they arent( )10.Good night! J.Its green.三、选择。( 30分)( )1.-Goodmorning! - A.Good morning! B.Good afternoon! C.Good night( )2. books do you have? A.How much B.How many C.what are( )3.What color they?A.is B.do C.are( )4.-Whats that? -Its elephant.A.an B.a C. the( )5.I have nine .A.rabbit B.rabbits C.apple( )6.Look my toys. A.on B.is C.at( )7.-Hello,Alice. Nice to meet you- . A.Me, too. B.How are you? C.Good morning!( )8.Whats your bag? A.in B.on C.is( )9.-Good night,dad- .A.Good evening! B.Good night C.Bye-bye.( )10.-Do you have a book- .A.Yes, I do B.No, I do C.Yes, I dont( )11.-How are you? - .A.Im fine. B.Im Yu Bin. C.Bye-bye.( )12.Whats name? A.you B.your C.is( )13.-Good afternoon,Mr Zhao. - A.Good afternoon. B.Good morning! C.Thank you( )14.-Goodbye,Liu Zhao Yang. - .A.Thank you B.Bye-bye C.Hi( )15.Hello! I am A. A is in “ ” A.milk B.Boy C.apple四、情景选择( 14分) ( )1、你想知道别人叫什么名字时,应该问: A.What is your name? B.Good morning!( )2、当放学你和别人分手时,应该说: A.Byebye!或Good bye! B.Im Yu Bin. ( )3、当你在校外遇见自己熟悉的同学时,应该用A.“hello或hi”打招呼。 B.How are you? ( )4、当你和别人初次(第一次)见面时,你应说:A. Nice to meet you . B.How many( )5、当你想告诉大家你的名字叫李珊时,你应说 :A. My name is Li Shan. B.Me,too. ( )6、你想知道朋友最近过的怎样,应问:A. How are you ? B.How many( )7、当你想告诉朋友你很好,你应说:A.I am fine. Thank you . B.Me,too.( )8、你想对别人表示感谢,你应说:A.Thank you . B.Me,too.( )9、当别人给你说Nice to meet you 时,你应说A.Nice to meet you,too.或Me, too. B.No, I do ( )10、当你想给大家介绍新同学 Wu Chen时,你应该说:A。 This is Wu Chen. B.No, I do ( )11、当你想说同学的玩具或书包真漂亮时,应该说A。How nice . B.How are you?( )12、当你想知道身旁的动物是不是狗熊时,应该问A。“Are these bears ?” B.Me,too.( )13、当你想知道别人有多少只兔子时,应该问A.“How many rabbits do you have?” B.Boy( )14、当你想知道同桌的书包是什么颜色时,应该问A.“What color is it?” B.How are you?五、用所给单词组句子,注意大小写和标点。( 10分)1.meet/glad/to/you 2.rabbits/many/do/have/how/you 3.book/have/a/I 4.are/color/they/what 5.bag/in/what/is/your
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