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Unit 4 Our SchoolLesson 2 教案1教学目标 来源:Zxxk.Com能够听、说、读、写classroom, office, lab, toilet, garden 等学校场所的名称。2学情分析 孩子们在4年级教材中已经学习过in, on, under三个介词,通过对本单元的学习,要求孩子们能够听、说、读、写teaching building, school, library, playground, classroom, office, lab, toilet, garden. 等学校场所的名称,并能熟练用on the left, on the right, next to, between, behind, in front of描述学校场所的位置3重点难点 能听说读写本单元重点词汇。4教学过程Step 1 Warm-upLets chantSchool days, school days. What a lot of fun! Read in the library. Draw in the art room. Play in the playground. Swim in the swimming pool. School days, school days. What a lot of fun.Step 2 Presentation来源:学科网ZXXK1. Review the sentence patterns. What are they doing? They are. Teach the new word classroomT: We are reading in the library. We are drawing in the art room. We are singing in the music room. We are having classes in the school. What class do you have this morning?S: Music, Chinese, math and science.(1) to show the students listen to music in the music room.T: They are having music class. What are the students doing?www-2-1-cnjy-comSs: They are listening to music.T: Where are they?Ss: They are in the music room.T: This room is for music. We call it the music room(2) to show the students in the classroom.T: What are they doing?Ss: They are having Chinese class.T: Yes. This room is for the class.Lead to classroom in the q&a.T: Where do you have math class?Lab 2. Teach new wordsShow the pictures on science of the students in the laboratoryT: What class are they having?Ss: Science class.来源:学.科.网T: This room is for science class. We call it lab.3. Show me the picture of the teachers office.T: Class is over. It s time for rest. Head go to the officeStudents with the office.Guide the student to tell the teachers office4. Teach the toiletT: Class is over. It s time for rest. Some students go to the toilet.2-1-c-n-j-ySs to read the toilet.T: This toilet is for girls. This toilet is for boys.Guide the student to tell girls toilet boys toilet5. Teach gardenT: Look, there are lots of flowers in the garden.Ss read the garden.Step 3 Practise1. Do P43 exercise two. Listen to the phonetic symbol sequence.2. Practice P44 four. Read the sentences to match the sentences with the corresponding pictures.A. My hands are dirty.B. It s time for class.C. It s time for science class.D. It s time to water the the plants.E. I m & a for Miss Liu.Figure () the classroom (office) graph (laboratory) graph (toilet) figure (garden)3. The Words Puzzle Puzzle gameStep 4 Consolidation1. Where did you go friend.T: Where is Lucy? Let a student a piece of paper read the clues.21cnjyS1: Where is Lucy? She is handing in classmates homework. She is helping the the teacher.Other students write the corresponding location.S2: Where is Andy? He is cleaning the desks.来源:学科网来源:学科网S3: Where is.2. Group work: describe the picture.Group1. Therere many children in the classroom. This girl is sweeping the floor. This boy is cleaning the blackboard. They.Group2. Therere many children in the garden. Some girls are watering the the plants. Some boys are playing.【Step 5 Assessment教师根据学生在课堂上的表现,对学生和小组进行评价。
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