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专项训练二:句型 一、选择与句子相符的图片,将序号填入题前的括号里。A. B.C.D.E. ( ) 1.I was eight years old last year.( ) 2.I often watch a film.( ) 3.I want to write a letter to my mum.( ) 4.Look at my new book.( ) 5.Im reading the newspaper.二、判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。( ) 1. This stamp has a picture of a panda on it.( ) 2. The children are sad. ( ) 3. She likes to draw pictures. ( ) 4.We write a letter on paper. ( ) 5. The teacher is writing on the blackboard. 三、单项选择。1. Id like_ banana and _ apple.A. a; anB. a; aC. an; a2. Would you like_ soup?A. many B. much C. some3. There_ many people in the cinema.A. is B. are C. am4. Lets_ to the restaurant.A. going B. goes C. go5. I need_ a bike.A. to ride B. rides C. to rides6. What_ he do yesterday?A. does B. do C. did7. _ draw or write on the wall.A. Dont B. Doesnt C. Not 8. I like to go shopping_ Wangfujing Street.A. on B. of C. / 9. What are you_?A. do B. does C. doing 10. We_ a party last week.A. have B. has C. had 四、按要求完成下列各题。1. The girl feels thirsty. (对画线部分提问)_2. She draws a picture.(变为现在进行时)_3. I need stamps.(变为否定句)_4. Hows the weather today?(根据实际情况回答)_5. Mike went home.(变为一般疑问句)_五、根据情景,选择合适的选项。() 1.当你想询问“伦敦的天气怎么样”时,应说:A. Hows the weather in London?B. Where is London?C. How is London?( ) 2.当你想询问Lynn住在哪里时,应说:A. Where do they live?B. Where does Lynn live?C. Where does he live?( ) 3.你想给朋友Bob发一封电子邮件,应说:A. I want to write a letter to Bob.B. I want to buy a postcard.C. I want to send an email to Bob.( ) 4.你想告诉别人小心,应说:A. Be careful.B. Dont be afraid.来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|KC. Be quiet.() 5.当你想说我昨天吃了一个苹果,应说:A. I eat an apple.B. He eats an apple today.C. I ate an apple yesterday.六、连词成句。1. runningtheyare_.2. arehowbooksthemuch_?3. toshoppingwetodaywantgo_.4. dowhatyourlastdidmotherweek_?5. aschoolthehaspicturemyofpostcard_.七、补全对话。( Lily and Lucy are at the post office. )Lucy: Lily, look at this stamp, please. _1._Lily: Its nice. _2._Clerk: It is eight yuan.Lucy: _3._Clerk: Here you are.A. What are you doing?B. I want to send it, too.C. Ill take one, please.D. How much is it?E. It has a panda on it.F. Yes, but not now.Lucy: Do you need stamps, Lily?Lily:_4._Lucy:_5._ Lily: Im writing a postcard to my sister. Lucy: I want to send a postcard to my brother.Lily:_6._Lucy: Okay. Lets go. 八、根据提示,仿照例子写句子。(1) eg: I go to the park today.I went to the zoo yesterday.1. I _ noodles for lunch every day. ( have)I _ rice yesterday. (have)2. I often_ books. ( buy) I_ a dress last week. ( buy)3. My mother_ TV every night.( watch )My mother_ a film yesterday. ( watch )(2) eg: The girl is happy. She is dancing. 1._( tired )_( sleep)2. _( hungry ) _( eat )来源:Z*xx*k.Com3. _( sad )_( cry ) 专项训练二:句型一、1.D2.A3.B4.C5.E二、1. T2. F3. F4. F5. T三、1. A点拨:apple是以元音音素开头。2. C点拨:soup是不可数名词。来源:学科网ZXXK来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K3. B4. C5. A点拨:need to do sth.需要做某事。6. C点拨:由时间状语yesterday可知此句为一般过去时。7. A8. A9. C10. C四、1. How does the girl feel?2. She is drawing a picture.3. I dont need stamps.4. Its rainy.(答案不唯一)5. Did Mike go home?五、1. A2. B3. C4. A5. C六、1. They are running2. How much are the books3. We want to go shopping today4. What did your mother do last week5. The postcard has a picture of my school来源:Z+xx+k.Com七、1. E2. D3. C4. F5. A6. B八、(1)1. have;had2. buy; bought 3. watches; watched(2)1. The girl is tired. She is sleeping.2. The boy is hungry. He is eating.3. The baby is sad. He is crying.
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