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Unit2 My favourite season Part A Lets talk教学目标与要求1.能掌握四会句子Which season do you like best?并能在实际情境中运用。2.能用英语表达出自己喜欢某个季节的原因。重点掌握句子Which season do you like best?及其答句。难点能正确地使用句子并回答出自己喜欢某个季节的原因。教具卡片 ppt教学环节师生活动Preparation准备活动1.Sing the song What-s your favourite season?2.Game: sharp eyes老师利用课件出示一些表示天气的闪词,比如warm, cool, cold, windy等.3.汇报上节课的课后作业,学生说某个季节的气候特征,并进行对话。如:-Whats the weather like in autumn in Beijing?-Sunny and warm-Whats the weather like in winter in Beijing?-Windy and cold.教学环节师生活动Presentation新知呈现Lets tryT: Look at the pictures below. Who are they? (Ss: .)T: They are talking about weather and season.Whats the weather like today? Now lets listen and write. 1)教师播放Lets try的录音,让学生听一听,写一写今天的天气情况。2)再次播放录音,让学生重复听录音内容。1. General listeningT: Look at the picture. Who are they?Ss:.T: They are talking about the season. Lets listen and find out the answer.Do children like the music? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont.What is the name of the song?A.The Four Seasons. B.The Seasons.Check the answer.【设计意图:带着简单的问题整体感知对话内容。】2. Lets learnT: Do you know the four seasons?They are spring/summer/autumn/winter.老师板书四个单词,分音节教授四个单词T: Look at the picture and fill in the blank. Whats the weather like in spring/summer/ autumn/winter?S:Its_.T:Whats your favourite season?S:_.T:Which season do you like best?板书“Which season do you like best?”并说明which和best的用法。3. Listen again and find the answerT:watch and answer:Which season does Mike like best? Why?Which season does Wu Yifan like best? Why?4. Lets say.T:Which season do you like best?Why?板书并教授Its_pretty_./I like_snow_ best.师生看图片练习T:Which season do you like best,_?S1:Summer.its pretty.S2:Winter. I like snow.S3:Spring.I like flowers.Pair work学生在老师给定的单词框内自由选择单词,组成对话。同桌之间相互练习,然后进行展示。S1:Which season do you like best?S2:_.I like _./Its _.Whats your favourite season?S1:_.I like _/Its _.【设计意图:在整体感知对话的基础上进行细节的学习和重点句型的呈现与理解。】教学环节师生活动Practice巩固练习1.Listen to the tape.听音正音。【设计意图:让学生去听纯正标准的英语发音,为下一步模仿跟读打下基础。】2.Listen and follow.听音跟读。【设计意图:模仿读音和语调。】3.Read by yourself.学生自由朗读。【设计意图:在听与模仿这个输入过程后,让学生去自己读,查漏补缺,正确输出。】4.Read in roles.分角色朗读【设计意图:检查学生的朗读和发音,及时纠正。】5.Read it out.(遮盖住部分句子)6.Act it out小组合作表演对话教学环节师生活动Production输出运用1.Guessing game1位同学站讲台前面,全班同学问他Which season do you like best?然后该同学做出有关和季节有关的动作,全班同学进行猜测。【设计意图:通过这个活动对本节课的语言重点进行操练和扩展,增强练习的趣味性。】2.Make a survey小组合作,一个人是小记者,就组里每个人喜欢的季节和原因进行采访与记录。并在小组内汇报,然后老师选择几个小组进行展示汇报。活动:自由采访学生以组为单位,进行自由采访,询问其他同学最喜欢的季节,并完成采访表格。如:-Which season do you like best?-I like .best. ItsI can【设计意图:通过这个活动对本节课的语言重点进行操练和扩展,让学生在真实的情境中操练语言,提高语用能力。】板书设计Unit 2 A Lets talkWhich season do you like best?Spring.I like_. /Its _.Summer.Autumn.(fall)Winter.教学反思
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