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Unit9 What do you want to do?教学目标1. 能用所学词语和句子谈论在主题公园的游乐活动。2. 能听懂并会用What do you want to ride? I want to ride the roller coaster. I dont like the roller coaster. I want to ride in the bumper car. 等进行问答对话和表述。3. 让学生走近社会,感受生活,享受乐趣。教学重难点来源:学#科#网词汇: history来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K句型: What do you want to ride?I want to ride the roller coaster.I dont like the roller coaster. I want to ride in the bumper car.教学活动教师可以利用周末或 “六一儿童节”,组织学生进行一次“公园游”集体活动,带领学生们亲自感受一下公园的各种娱乐设施,让学生在欢乐中体会生活的乐趣。(在娱乐过程中,教师可以用英语介绍各种设施,也要提倡学生用英语交谈。)(集体活动要严密组织,注意安全。)课前准备来源:源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K教师课前需要准备录音机、磁带、教学挂图和制作的课件。来源:学*科*网教学过程1. 任务1的教学:(1)让学生看Listen and tick,先浏览内容,了解大意和要求。(2)播放录音,让学生认真听两遍,先听清楚录音中人物的谈论内容。(3)根据录音内容,让学生选择提到的图片名称,并在相应词语前面的括号内打号。(让学生相互检查所填写内容是否正确,或教师直接给出正确答案。)来源: 语言点解释ride既可以作不及物动词,也可以作及物动词。例如: XKI want to ride on the roller coaster. (ride是不及物动词)来源:学#科#网The kids can ride a roller coaster. (ride是及物动词)任务1录音材料: Ms Zhou is a scientist. On the weekends, she works at a science theme park. Listen to the tape and tick the right answers. My name is Ms Zhou. I am a scientist. I work in a science company. I love science! On the weekends, I work at a science theme park. It s a great place for kids. Kids can see many things here. In the park, kids can see rockets. There are two big space rockets. And there are photos of the moon and the stars. Kids can do many things in the park. They can take photos and ride a roller coaster. They can use computers. They can also talk to scientists. Kids can learn many things. They can learn about the moon and the stars. They can learn maths and science. The science theme park is a great theme park!2. 任务2的教学:来源:Z+xx+k.Com(1)让学生看Look and talk,先浏览内容,了解大意和要求。(2)将学生分成两人一组,设想自己在主题公园中,仿照图片中人物对话(但不局限于其中的句型,可以进行适当扩充),一人询问对方想玩什么,另一人进行回答,并说明理由,两人轮流进行问答对话。(3)课件展示。教师向学生展示自己制作的课件,课件中逐步呈现主题公园的主要游乐设施(the roller coaster, the big wheel, the merry-go-round, the bumper car, the teacup等),几个学生就其中的内容在进行问答对话。课件中有声音,有文字,声像并茂,向学生展示了所学的重点词语和句型,既可起到复习、巩固作用,也为学生进行问答对话起了示范作用。教学评析本节课在复习和巩固上节所学内容的基础上,着重学生听说能力培养。教学中,寓学于乐,让学生在轻松愉快的课堂气氛中参与教学活动,有利于调动和发挥学生的主体作用。
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