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Lesson 18 Little Zeke Sends an E-mail!教案教学目标知识与技能目标:能借助图片听懂并且读懂本课故事,并养成按意群阅读的习惯。能听懂课堂用语并能按照老师的指令去活动。来源:学科网ZXXK情感态度目标:营造愉悦学习氛围,促使学生积极参与主动学习。通过多样性的教学活动和教学评价,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,鼓励学生主动参与、积极合作、敢于开口,乐于进行语言的学习和交流。教学重难点重点: 能在教师的帮助和图片的提示下描述讲述本课的小故事。来源:学&科&网难点: 能根据图片,词语或例句的提示完成相应练习。来源:学科网ZXXK教学方法情景交际教学法,合作学习教学法。教学媒体准备教学卡片cards、卡纸、tape-recorder、多媒体课件ppt. 课时安排教学过程Step1 Pre-reading1.日常口语对话:Hello! Hi!Good morning!How are you? What day is it today?What would you like? 2. T: We know Li Ming, Jenny and Danny are in Beijing. Theyre having fun. Look! What are they doing? S: laughing/flying a kite/taking a picture/shopping T: Is Jenny happy?S: Yes. T: But now Jenny is sad. Why? Because she misses her mother very much. She wants to say hello to her mother? What does she do? T: Now, lets chant together.(说歌谣, 调动学生积极性。) Step 2 While-reading1. 阅读故事,回答问题。T: Look! Whats this? Can you say? S: Computer. T: Yeah, you are very clever! Do you like to play computers? S: yes! T: (出示幻灯片)With computers, we can play games, we can study, we can watch a movie. And we can also send an e-mail. Look! Danny, Jenny and Li Ming are here. What are they doing? S: They are sending an e-mail. T: Excellent! T: Now, lets learn a story “Little Zeke sends an e-mail”. Who is Little Zeke? Look!This is Emma and Little Zeke. Little Zeke is Emmas friend. They want to send an e-mail to Emma. But what happened? Watch the video and answer the two questions. a. Where does Emma live? b. Who gets the e-mail? Are you ready? Watch the video.(看动画,回答问题) (通过多媒体形式,将真实画面展现在学生面前,让他们置身于一个逼真的语言环境中, 有身临其境的感觉。体现了新课标中的趣味性原则,符合小学生具体形象。)2. 展示故事的第一部分:T: now lets look at the story together. Boys, you are Danny. Girls, you are Jenny. Ready? Go! (分角色朗读)T: Very good! Question: Where does Emma live?S: She lives in Ottawa. T: And Jenny wants to send an e-mail to S: Emma. T: Yeah! Great! Look! This is the e-mail. (老师读邮件)。From the e-mail, whats the time in Beijing? S: Its one oclock in the afternoon. T: But in Ottawa, whats the time? Can you find it? S: Its one oclock in the morning. T:(做想的动作)One oclock in the morning. What are you doing? S: we are sleeping. T: I am sleeping, too. Do you know whats Emma doing? Lets go on.3. 展示故事第二部分:T: Danny, Jenny and Li Ming are talking. Now, take out your paper, the small one. Work in threes. Read the dialogue. (分角色朗读) T: Stop! Time is up. Can you tell me whats Emma doing? S: sleeping T: Who wants to be Danny/Jenny/Li Ming? (学生角色扮演) T: (出示幻灯片)We know Jenny is sleeping. Guess!Who is sending an e-mail to Jenny?S: Little Zeke. T: Wonderful! Its Little Zeke. Now, open your book, turn to page 45. I give you three minutes to read by yourselves. Ok? Then answer these question.(幻灯片出示问题)Now, lets begin.(学生自己读邮件后回答问题)4. 阅读故事第三部分:T: Does Li Ming, Danny, Jenny know Little Zeke? Read it quickly. T: thats all for the story “Little Zeke sends an e-mail”. T: Twenty-three and forty-four is seventy-six, right or wrong? 学生自己读后回答问题。Step3 Post-reading1. Now, open your book and read the story. Then do the practice. Understand? Ready, go! T: lets check the answer together. (通过文本整合,小组分角色朗读,上台展示等多样化的教学活动,激发学生学习兴趣) 2. Then, retell the story.Step 4 Summary我们这节课主要学习故事Little Zeke sends an e-mail,知道Where does Emma live?了解Ottawa和Beijing的时间不同,以及关于Little Zeke 的相关信息。Step 5 Homework 1. 听录音,熟读本课内容。2. Little Zeke makes a mistake. Please write an e-mail to him and give him some suggestions. Then send it to me. 3. 把这个故事讲给父母听。 板书设计 Unit 3 Lesson18Little Zeke Sends an E-mail! 来源:学科网a. Where does Emma live? b. Who gets the e-mail? 来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K
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