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五年级下册Lesson 5 What Are They Doing? 学案冀教版教学目标:1. 在语境中练习有关现在进行时的句子,能听懂、会说、认读reading the newspaper,playing cards,playing with the baby,drawing, eating, reading, singing, swimming.掌握动词的现在分词基本变化规则。2. 能运用现在进行时态句型进行简单的交流:What are they/we/you doing? They/We/You are doing sth. What is he/she doing? He/She is doing sth. etc.并能根据人称使用正确的系动词。3、学生初步感知和体会单词读音的重音。教学重点:能运用现在子进行时态句型进行简单的交流教学难点:人称与系动词的正确搭配。来源:Z*xx*k.Com教学准备:单词卡、课件等教学过程:来源:学科网ZXXKPart1. 激趣入境,形成动机1、A song: What are you doing? (Watch and do)来源:学。科。网2、Listen to some sounds carefully, and say the verbs. Part2.创设情境,感知模仿Its fun.Today we are playing games. (板书情境课题)游戏呈现,志愿者抽单词表演。What are you doing?(1个人)I am you, only you,What are you doing?(23个人做同一动作) you two, you three, all of you. We are 来源:Zxxk.ComWhat is he /she doing?What are they doing? They are (板书重点句型)Whole class work.教师给几个小组发单词卡片,小组成员其做动作,小助手提问,大家回答,重点练习What are they doing? They are 。来源:学+科+网Part3.融入情境,分层练习1、儿歌记忆:我跟am, I am 你跟are, You areis 跟着他她它,He is, She is, It is复数一律要用are. We are They are2、转盘游戏。师生示范,小组活动并展示。3、利用教科书On the TrainThere are many people on the train. What are they doing? Look! The woman is The man is They are having fun.Part4. 选择情境,语言运用。1.选择一个情景,和伙伴描述人们在干什么,说一说。情景提示:at home/school/the zoo, in the classroom ,on the playground词汇提示: have breakfast, wash hands, make bed, clean the room, listen to music, watch TV, play on thecomputer, play football2.展示。3.重音练习。Part5. 延伸情境,回归生活.1、熟读课文。2、完成短文书写。3、完成活动手册和练习册。板书设计:Lesson5 We Are Playing Games.What are they doing?They are 教后反思:每一次外出上课都比在自己学校上课收获更大,尤其是课堂应变能力,教师要根据学生的反应及时调整教学任务。或提高或降低。比如本节课练习环节设计的是结对复述课文内容,课堂上发现学生达不到这个水平,我及时调整为在老师带领下复述课文。语言输出预设让学生根据提示说一段话,调整为根据学生的层次,每人至少说一句话,满足不同层次学生需求。
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