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2014年人教PEP五年级英语下册期末复习卷1根据图片回答以下问题:(1)What are you doing , Chen Jie ? _(2)What is Zhang Peng doing ? _(3)What is your mother doing ? _(4)What is John doing ? _(5)What is your cousin doing ? _(6)What is Mike doing ? _(7)What is your aunt doing ? _(8)What is your brother doing _(9)What is your sister doing ? _(10)What is your father doing ? _(11) Are you listening to music ? _(12)Are you washing the clothes ?_(13)Is he picking up leaves ?_(14) Is he watching insects ?_(15)Is she writing a report ? _(16)Is she counting insects ?_(17) Are they catching insects ?_(18)Are they taking pictures ?_(19) Is John reading a book ?_(20) Is John eating lunch ?_(21)Is Sarah doing the dishes ?_(22)Is Sarah doing housework ?_(23)Can you see the elephants ?_(24) Can you see the monkeys?_2照样子改写单词(替换、增加、去掉都可以)并组成词组。3英汉互译。(1) 6:50 _(2) 老师的房间 _(3) 看起来像 _ (4) a quarter to seven _(5) 放风筝 _(6) 踢足球 _(7) a basket of eggs _4根据上下文意思,填上适当的词,每空一词。(1)A: _ are you doing ? B: Im _ pictures .(2)A: _ you want to go to the park ? B: Yes , I _ .(3)A: _ I speak to your brother , please ? B: _ . Please hold on .(4)A: _ is she doing ? B: _ walking .(5)A: Look at the elephant . What is _ doing ?B: _ running .(6)A: What _ the pandas doing ?B: _ climbing .本卷由系统自动生成,请仔细校对后使用,答案仅供参考。参考答案1【解析】2【解析】3【解析】4【解析】答案第1页,总1页
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