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Part A教学目标语言知识目标1.学习词汇:spring outing,climb,mountain,water,thirsty,camera等。2.学习句型:Whatre you going to take with you?Im going to takewith me.3.学习字母e和字母组合ea在单词中的发音。4.学唱歌曲:Flowers Are Blooming。5.功能:谈论春游。语言技能目标1.能运用be going to do sth的句式来谈论春游时准备开展的活动。2.能运用be going to do sth的句式来说一说春游前准备带的东西和准备穿的衣物。3.能根据不同场合或不同活动,制订出相应的计划。情感态度学会做计划,培养合理安排事情的能力。教具准备1.本课新单词和词组的卡片。2.课文中三个人物的头像及爬山的图片。3.课本第24页的六幅图。4.录音机或教学光盘。来源:学科网教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1.师生互致问候。2.师生齐唱歌曲:Flowers Are Blooming。3.教师说:“The flowers are blooming.The trees turn green.The birds are singing.What season is it?” 复习单词spring。来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K4.揭示并板书课题:Unit 4 A Spring Outing Part A。教学outing 和a spring outing。告诉学生,outing表示短途旅行。Step 2 Presentation(一)学习单词climb和mountain,学习句子Were going to climb a mountain.1.教师出示Miss Gao,Wang Tao和Sally的头像,并贴在黑板上,然后边说边在头像后面板书are going for a spring outing,并提出问题:“What are they going to do?”请学生带着问题听课文录音。2.教师出示爬山的图片,贴在黑板上,教学单词climb和mountain,强调climb中的字母b是不发音的。3.在图片下板书climb a mountain,在图片上方板书We are going to,操练词组climb a mountain和句子We are going to climb a mountain.4.出示几个句子,巩固climb的用法,如:Im going to climb the tree.Im going to climb the hill.(二)学习单词water,thirsty和camera并学习句子 What are you going to take with you? Im going to takewith me.1.教师指着黑板上爬山的图片和句子说:“Miss Gao and her pupils are going for a spring outing.They are going to climb a mountain.What are they going to take with them?”(1) 板书句子:What are they going to take with them? 告诉学生,takewithsb是“某人随身带着”的意思,领读句子,让学生体会they与them 用法。(2) 将句子中的they替换成we,he,she或you,将them替换成us,him,her或you,进行替换练习。句子最后定格为What are you going to take with you?2.教师播放课文录音或CD-ROM,学生边听边看书,找出答句。教师将Miss Gao,Wang Tao和Sally的头像贴在问句的旁边和下面。3.教师请三位学生上台,将书中的答句抄在人物头像的旁边,如:You can take some food with you.What are you going to take with you?Im going to take some water with me.Im going to take a camera with me.(1) 教学单词water,告诉学生water是不可数名词,因此some water中water后面不能加s。请学生回忆一下单词water的另一个含义,复习water the flowers和water the trees。(2) 通过操练句子Im going to take some water with me,引出单词thirsty和句子Well be thirsty.的教学。可通过单词thirty来辅助学习单词thirsty的发音。(3)教学单词camera,操练句子Im going to take a camera with me.I want to take some photos.(4)替换练习。教师出示图片并提出问题,学生看图回答问题,如:T:What are you going to take with you?S:We are going to take some water with us.T:What is he going to take with him?S:He is going to take an apple with him.T:What are they going to take with them?S:They are going to take some orange juice with them.(三)熟读课文1.教师播放课文录音或CD-ROM,学生模仿跟读一次。来源:Zxxk.Com2.请学生看第三段对话中的句子Are you going to wear sports shoes? Yes,Im going to.并教学。出示有关服装的图片,进行替换练习。3.教师再播放课文录音或CD-ROM二至三次,学生模仿跟读。来源:Zxxk.Com4.分角色朗读对话。5.教师出示下面的练习,请学生根据课文内容说一说。We are going for a_.We are going to_ .We can take _ with us.Wang Tao is going to take_with him.Hell be _ .Sally is going to take _ with her.She wants to_ .来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K(四)巩固练习1.完成课本第24页的Ask and answer.部分。(1)出示单词some及六幅图,操练some water,some orange juice,some umbrellas.(2) 出示“一台照相机”和“一把雨伞”的图片,操练a camera和an umbrella,提醒学生注意a和an的用法。(3)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。(4)同桌进行问答练习。2.完成课本第27页的Learn to write.部分。(1) 请个别学生示范,口头完成练习。(2) 学生在课本上完成练习,教师巡视,帮助有困难的学生。(3)同桌交换课本,检查练习完成情况。(五) 语音教学1.教师出示he,red,let,me,desk,Chinese等单词卡片,请学生读一读,然后根据单词中字母e的发音,将卡片分成两类,复习巩固字母e在单词中的两种读音:和eI,如: he red/i:/ me /e/ let Chinese desk2.教师再出示head,ready,read,ice cream,bread,teacher等单词卡片,采用同样的方法复习巩固字母组合ea在单词中的两种读音:和eI。3.教师播放课本第24页的Listen and learn the English sounds.部分的录音,学生模仿跟读。Step 3 Extension综合活动:春游前的准备教师说:“每年四月份学校老师会组织同学们去春游,今年四月份去春游时,你们准备穿什么衣服,带些什么东西呢?想一想,完成下面的表格。”What are you going to take with you? Im going to takewith me.a bagsome foodWhat are you going to wear?Im going to wear.my sports shoesmy hat1.学生独立完成表格。2.同桌间进行问答练习。3.请个别学生上台,全班学生说问句,该生根据自己的表格内容回答。4.台下的学生给予评价或建议,如:We can take an MP3 with us.We can take some food with us.等。Step 4 Homework1.听课文录音,模仿跟读。2.完成活动手册中本课练习。3.拟一份旅行计划或周末与父母外出游玩的计划,写出所需携带的物品和必要的着装,下节课汇报。4.选取几张以前春游时的照片带到学校,下节英语课使用。
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