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2014年北师大版五年级英语下册期末考前模拟试卷1在下列各组画线部分读音相同的单词后面“”,不同的画“”:10%(1)baby bag ( ) (2)clock coke ( )(3)dress eleven ( ) (4)five his ( )(5)excuse club ( ) (6)face name ( )(7)funny cub ( ) (8)lion do ( )(9)animal apple ( ) (10)has cant ( )2写出下列单词的复数形式:15%(1)dog (2)puppy (3)lion (4)baby (5)cat (6)piglet (7)horse (8)calf (9)goose (10)joey (11)duckling (12)hen (13)mouse (14)child (15)knife 3Reading in bed is bad your eyes . A. at B. of C. in D. for4You can buy things money . A. in B. with C. to D. and5We have some sports news the newspaper . A. in B. to C. from D. at6Dont leave your things this . A. is B. like C. of D. for7Our school is famous its sports . A. on B. in C. for D. of8Dont worry your little brother . A. on B. about C. of D. for9Whats wrong your child ? A. with B. in C. at D. about10We do a lot interesting things science class . A. on , in B. for , on C. of , in D. an , on11He often helps his classmates their English . A. to B. with C. on D. in12They take their students the park . A. from B. away C. to D. in13Let him show around school . A. our , her B. us , him C. we , his D. us , his14This is our school . way , please . A. The B. Walk C. This D. Go 15We often borrow some English books our English teacher . A. at B. from C. in D. to16Welcome our home . a seat , please . A. in , Get B. to , Have C. at , GiveD. for , Take17I want to play front the house . A. in , of B. in , at C. at , of D. near , for18 school is this ? Its .A. Whos , ours B. Whose , Kates C. Whose , Kates D. Who , ours19Nice to meet you . .A. How do you do ? B. Thank you . C. Nice to meet you . D. Welcome .20Lets play the students over there . A. with B. and C. of D. but21I dont have rulers . But I have erasers . A. any , any B. some , some C. some , any D. any , some22 you often go to school at 7:30 in the morning ?A. Are B. Do C. Can D. Does23I dont know the girl the red hat . A. of B. in C. under D. on24What do you on Sundays ?A. do B. can C. are D. singing25I have a pair of in my hand . A. scissor B. scissors C. two scissors D. a scissor26She is good drawing . A. in B. on C. at D. of27 do you have your English classes ? In our language club .A. Where B. Whose C. What D. How28用适当的词填空:10%(1)I often help Mary her Chinese . (2)The vet takes care of all kinds animals . (3)There a lot of orange in the bottle . (4) girls and boys in the USA enjoy playing the game . (5)I have some news you . (6)There any storybooks in my bag . (7)Are there desks and chairs there ? Yes , there are a lot of . (8)There some white sheep under the tree . (9)I have two new friends . One is from Britain . is from Japan . (10)Now , lets do it group . 29句型转换:20%(1)We call it a kid . (画线提问) (2)Those are shops .(画线提问) (3)I have one maths lesson on Monday .(画线提问) (4)They are elephants .(单数) (5)Is that little bird nice ?(肯定句) (6)There are some balloons in the classroom .(一般疑问句) (7)There is some water in the bottle .(否定句) (8)Please read English now .(否定句) (9)I am ill today .(一般疑问句) (10)We often go to the park on Monday .(一般疑问句) 30连词成句:10%(1)your , move , please , knee(.) (2)mouth , open , please , your(.) (3)my , hurt , arm(.) (4)have , you , stay , home , to , at(.) (5)you , head , can , your , lower(?) (6)will , lessons , help , I , you , English , with , your(.) (7)cherries , you , here , for , some , are(.) (8)is , lamb , where , the(?) (9)calf , there , nearby , a , is(.) (10)that , a , cub , lion , is(?) 31选出正确的答句:5%32阅读并判断:5%This is a picture of a small zoo . In the picture , you can see some animals . A monkey is running . A horse
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