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暑期高分突破课程讲义之完形填空部分暑期高分突破课程讲义之完形填空部分 应试之王应试之王 商志商志 20162016 年年 7 7 月月修订修订 1 暑期高分突破课程讲义暑期高分突破课程讲义 完形填空部分完形填空部分 英语一英语一 34 children are likely to have less supervision at home 35 was common in the traditional family 36 This lack of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates Other 37 causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school the increased 38 of drugs and alcohol and the growing 39 of child abuse and child neglect All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act 40 a direct causal relationship has not yet been established 299 words 21 A acting B relying C centering D commenting 22 A before B unless C until D because 23 A interactions B assimilation C cooperation D consultation 24 A return B reply C reference D response 25 A or B but rather C but D or else 26 A considering B ignoring C highlighting D discarding 27 A on B in C for D with 28 A immune B resistant C sensitive D subject 29 A affect B reduce C chock D reflect 30 A point B lead C come D amount 31 A in general B on average C by contrast D at length 32 A case B short C turn D essence 33 A survived B noticed C undertaken D experienced 34 A contrarily B consequently C similarly D simultaneously 35 A than B that C which D as 36 A system B structure C concept D heritage 37 A assessable B identifiable C negligible D incredible 38 A expense B restriction C allocation D availability 39 A incidence B awareness C exposure D popularity 40 A provided B since C although D supposing 暑期高分突破课程讲义之完形填空部分暑期高分突破课程讲义之完形填空部分 应试之王应试之王 商志商志 20162016 年年 7 7 月月修订修订 15 2003 年年 Teachers need to be aware of the emotional intellectual and physical changes that young adults experience And they also need to give serious 21 to how they can best 22 such changes Growing bodies need movement and 23 but not just in ways that emphasize competition 24 they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges teenagers are especially self conscious and need the 25 that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are 26 by others However the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be 27 to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers 28 publishing newsletters with many student written book reviews 29 student artwork and sponsoring book discussion clubs A variety of small clubs can provide 30 opportunities for leadership as well as for practice in successful 31 dynamics Making friends is extremely important to teenagers and many shy students need the 32 of some kind of organization with a supportive adult 33 visible in the background In these activities it is important to remember that the young teens have 34 attention spans A variety of activities should be organized 35 participants can remain active as long as they want and then go on to 36 else without feeling guilty and without letting the other participants 37 This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility 38 they can help students acquire a sense of commitment by 39 for roles that are within their 40 and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules 21 A thought B idea C opinion D advice 22 A strengthen B accommodate C stimulate D enhance 23 A care B nutrition C exercise D leisure 24 A If B Although C Whereas D Because 25 A assistance B guidance C confidence D tolerance 26 A claimed B admired C ignored D surpassed 27 A improper B risky C fair D wise 28 A in effect B as a result C for example D in a sense 29 A displaying B describing C creating D exchanging 30 A durable B excessive C surplus D multiple 31 A groups B individual C personnel D corporation 32 A consent B insurance C admission D security 33 A particularly B barely C definitely D rarely 34 A similar B long C different D short 35 A if only B now that C so that D even if 36 A everything B anything C nothing D something 37 A off B down C out D alone 38 A On the contrary B On the average C On the whole D On the other hand 39 A making B standing C planning D taking 40 A capability B responsibility C proficiency D efficiency 2002 年年 暑期高分突破课程讲义之完形填空部分暑期高分突破课程讲义之完形填空部分 应试之王应试之王 商志商志 20162016 年年 7 7 月月修订修订 16 Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries Yet much had happened 21 As was discussed before it was not 22 the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre electronic 23 following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the 24 of the periodical It was during the same time that the communications revolution 25 up beginning with transport the railway and leading 26 through the telegraph the telephone radio and motion pictures 27 the 20th century world of the motor car and the air plane Not everyone sees that process in 28 It is important to do so It is generally recognized 29 that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th
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