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.Section Grammar姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.用动词的适当形式填空1. He admitted _(be) rude to his classmate but he refused _ (say) sorry to him. 2Our manager suggested _(hold) a meeting to discuss the problem. 3She cant help _(cry) at the moving movie. 4She got down to _(cook) on arriving home. 5I regret _(not accept) your advice. If I had taken your advice, I would have passed the exam.6Can you imagine _(live) on a lonely for a long time? 7Mike couldnt stand _(laugh) at then and she became angry. 8The deer was luck to avoid _(catch) by the tiger and managed _ (escape). 9. He decided _(give) up his present job and considered _(look) for a better one. 10. I had meant _(call) on you yesterday but something unexpected happened. 答案:1being; to say2.holding3.crying4.cooking5.not accepting/not having accepted6.living7.being laughed8.being caught;to escape 9.to give ; looking10. to call.完成句子1我记得在哪里见过她。I remember_her once somewhere.2既然你做不出这道题,为什么不试着换另一种方法做它呢?Now that you cant work out the problem,why not_ _it in another way?3所有这些房子都需要重建。All the houses require_.4玛丽更乐意听音乐而不是打网球。Mary prefers_ _music to playing tennis.5I like_(游泳),but I dont like_ _ _ _(和你游)today.6_ _(一般地说),it is very cheap to live in this hotel.7He has nothing to do but_ _(坐在那儿)looking out of the window with a book in his hand.8He devotes himself to_(帮助)others but never hopes to receive any reward.答案:1seeing2.try doing3.rebuilding4listening to5.swimming;to swim with you6.Generally speaking7.sit there8.helping语篇提能.完形填空Mrs. Amatuli was my teacher in the fourth grade. One day at lunch time, I was getting ready to eat my same old tuna fish(金枪鱼) sandwich _1_ suddenly Mrs. Amatuli asked me if she could _2_ my sandwich from me. She explained that I could use the money to buy a _3_ lunch from the cafeteria(自助餐厅)I was excited. I _4_ bought my lunch at the cafeteria. It was too expensive for my _5_, and we always carried our lunch and _6_ the bag back home to use again the next day. My sandwiches were either bologna(香肠) or tuna fish. It seldom _7_.You can understand my delight when I had the _8_ to buy a hot lunch. Kids always complained(抱怨) about the cafeteria food but I was very envious(羡慕的) of them.When I finished lunch that day, Mrs. Amatuli took me _9_ and said she wanted to _10_ why she had bought my sandwich. I really didnt _11_ why, but it gave me a few minutes of her precious(宝贵的) attention so I was very _12_ as she explained.She was Catholic(天主教徒) and she _13_ me that Catholics didnt eat red meat on Fridaysthey ate fish on Fridays.I couldnt _14_ to get home and tell my Mama that from now on I wanted tuna fish on Fridays. After my Mama understood _15_, she gladly fixed tuna fish for me on Friday.So, every Friday I could get _16_ with the rest of the kids for a hot lunch. It tasted good to me!I _17_ now that Mrs. Amatuli could have _18_ herself a tuna sandwich on Friday. But she bought my sandwich _19_ she saw a little girl who was excited over the simple _20_ of having a hot lunch.I will never forget her for her kindness.1A.whileBwhenCbefore Dsince2A.afford BexchangeCshare Dbuy3A.hot BcheapCspecial Ddelicious4A.always BusuallyCnever Doften5A.family BteachersCschoolmates DMama6A.fetched BbroughtCreturned Dmoved7A.worked BremainedCimproved Dchanged8A.permission BrightCchance Dorder9A.aside BoverCoff Dout10A.question BtalkCexplain Dintroduce11A.care BbelieveCrequire Dpromise12A.patient BsorryCglad Dquiet13A.told BheardCanswered Dwished14A.afford BwaitCexpect Dhelp15A.how BwhyCwho Dwhen16A.in order Bin chargeCin touch Din line17A.remember BrealizeCregret Dnotice18A.fixed BenjoyedCordered Dhelped19A.when BunlessCbecause Dafter20A.question BactCpleasure Dactivity答案:1解析:句意:我正要吃我的金枪鱼三明治这时老师问我她是否能买我的三明治。when意为“正在这时”,此时是并列连词。答案:B2解析:根据上题解析和下文money可知老师是要买我的三明治。答案:D3解析:根据8小题后的a hot lunch可知选A。答案:A4解析:根据下一句It was too expensive for .可知作者从未买过自助餐厅的热饭。故填入never。答案:C5解析:买不起热饭,肯定是家境贫苦。答案:A6解析:把饭带到学校,吃完后自然要把包带回家,bring back“带回”。答案:B7解析:根据作者的家境和上一句话“我的饭不是香肠就是金枪鱼”可知,作者的饭几乎没有换过样。答案:D8解析:作者很高兴有这样的机会吃一顿热饭。chance“机会”。答案:C9解析:take aside“把带到一边”;take over“接管”;take off“起飞,脱下”;take out“拿出,取出”。根据句意“老师把我带到一边对我说”可知选A。答案:A10解析:下文老师向她解释了为什么要买她的饭,可知此处应填入explain,意为“解释”。本段末句也有相关信息。答案:C11解析:我根本不关心到底为什么,但是这给了我宝贵的几分钟使老师关注我,所以当老师说的时候,我很安静地听老师说。care“关心,在乎”。答案:A12解析:结合上一题的解析,可知用quiet安静的。答案:D13解析:根据宾语从句的内容可知老师是在告诉我。答案:A
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