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.课时作业11Module 4Section Grammar现在完成时.用所给单词的适当形式填空1Thousands of miles of good roads have_joined (join) towns and countries.2China has_made (make) great progress in science and technology.3All of you have_heard_of (hear of) this many times.4We have_been (be) good friends since our middle school days.5It has_been (be) five years since he came here.6We have_studied (study) English for six years.7I received (receive) his letter two days ago.8I havent_received (not receive) his letter, so I have to ring him up.9He will come as soon as he finishes (finish) the homework.10If you have_read (read) the book before I leave, please lend it to me.11They overestimate (高估) the importance of his occupation (occupy)12The performer performed his tricks with professional (profession) skill.13The explorer organised (organization) an expedition to the North Pole in 1992.14I havent_received (not receive) his letter for a long time.单句改错1Its time that I go to bed._答案:gowent2Please pass me that pen to write._答案:write后加with3He is the only one of the student that has received the prize._答案:studentstudents4He is the only one of the doctors who have received a masters degree._答案:havehas5She gave us a live description on painting._答案:livelively6What he said sounded reasonably._答案:reasonablyreasonable7The company where I visited last month sets us a good example._答案:wherewhich/that或者去掉where8He will be back after a while._答案:afterin9If well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather._答案:IfWhether10He frightened at the terrible news._答案:He后加was.完形填空I looked closely at the face of my 23yearold son, Daniel. In a few hours he would be _1_ to France. He would be staying there for at least a year to learn another language and _2_ another style of life in a different country far from the USA.It was a(n) _3_ time in Daniels life, a step from college into the adult world. I wanted to _4_ him some words that would have some meaning. But _5_ came from my lips. I stood _6_ and quiet, looking into the searching eyes of my son.What _7_ it more difficult was that I knew this was not the first time I had let such a moment _8_. When Daniel was five, I took him to the schoolbus stop on his first day of _9_. I felt the tension (紧张) in his hand _10_ mine as the bus turned the corner. I saw his face turned red as the bus _11_. He looked at me as he did now.My father and I loved each other. Yet, I always _12_ never hearing him put his feelings into words and _13_ having the memory of that moment. Why is it so hard to tell a _14_ something from his heart? My mouth turned _15_, and I knew I would be able to get out only a few words _16_. “Daniel,” I said, “if I could have picked, I would have _17_ you.”I wasnt sure whether he understood _18_ I meant. Then he came toward me and threw his _19_ around me. For a moment, the world and all the people _20_, and there was just Daniel and me in our home by the sea.1A. flying B. shippingC. riding D. driving解析:B根据最后一句话by the sea可知丹尼尔是乘船去法国,所以选B。2A. feel B. experience C. get D. obtain解析:Bexperience“经历”,他去国外经历另一种生活。feel“感觉”; get“得到”; obtain“获得”。根据句意,应选B。3A. easy B. comfortableC. boring D. important解析:D从大学到成人的世界应是他一生中重要的时刻。boring“令人厌烦的”。4A. record B. leaveC. take D. write解析:B从下文可知作者想给儿子说些什么。句意:我想留给他一些有意义的话。5A. something B. everythingC. nothing D. anything解析:C但是我什么也说不出来。从下文的叙述可知,作者“安静地一动不动地站着”,所以选C。6A. frozen B. pleasedC. excited D. satisfied解析:A只是安静的一动不动地站在那儿看着儿子寻找的眼睛。7A. made B. causedC. developed D. improved解析:Amake sth. difficult“使某事困难”。8A. remember B. passC. forget D. waste解析:B这不是我第一次让分离的时刻这样度过。pass“通过”。9A. graduation B. collegeC. kindergarten D. work解析:C在他第一天上幼儿园的时候送他去车站点。文中说Daniel 5岁,所以应是上幼儿园的时候。10A. shaking B. catchingC. seizing D. holding解析:D从他握着我的手,我感觉到他的紧张。catch“赶上,抓住”;hold“抓着,握着”。seize“紧紧抓住”; shake“摇动”。holding是现在分词作定语。11A. stopped B. openedC. shook D. drove解析:A当车停下来,他的脸变红了。12A. appreciated B. regrettedC. enjoyed D. remembered解析:B我和父亲的感情很好,但我很遗憾没有听
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