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Unit1 Winter Activities PartB教学设计【内容来源】闽教版(2013年版)六下Unit1 PartB【主 题】Winter Activities【课 时】PartB一、教学目标(Teaching aims)(一)知识目标(Knowledge aims)1. 能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词:make (made), show, fat, thin.2. 能听懂、会说、认读单词和词组:Ice and Snow Festival, made a snowman, took a photo.3. 能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:Look at the snowman.Its short and fat.Show me the dress, please.Which dress?The long one.4. 学唱歌曲:Im a Little Snowman。(二)能力目标(Ability aims)1. 能使用祈使句提出要求。2. 能使用形容词描述人或物。3. 能运用所学知识谈一谈自己的一次外出旅游经历。4. 能用简短的语句写一写自己的旅游经历。(三)情感目标(Affective aims)了解我国著名的风景名胜,培养学生热爱生活,热爱大自然的情操。二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)(一)重点(Points)1. 能听懂、会说、认读、书写单词:make (made), show, fat, thin.2. 能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:Look at the snowman.Its short and fat.Show me the dress, please.(二)难点(Difficulties)能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:Look at the snowman.Its short and fat.Show me the dress, please.三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)教师准备:教学课件,教学录音,教学动画,人物头饰,单词和词组卡(图)片,教师自己在某个地方旅游的照片,中国地图和福建地图。(可从优教通下载)四、教学过程Step 1: Warm-upStep 1 Warming up1. 师生互致问候。2. 学说韵律诗:Sightseeing。Step 2: Presentation1. Review:复习上节课的内容。(1)教师将Julia,Wang Tao和Sally的头像贴在黑板上,请学生来回顾一下他们的寒假活动,教师将主要词汇写在头像下方,如:Wang TaoSallyJulia went to Shandong traveled along went to Harbin climbed a mountain took many photos went skating2. 教师指着Sally的头像说:“Sally went to Harbin. Did you go to Harbin? Can you tell me something about Harbin?”请学生根据自己的旅游经历或已有的知识,谈一谈哈尔滨这个城市(可以用中文说)。如:“哈尔滨是黑龙江的省会城市”“哈尔滨是一座冰城”“哈尔滨的冰雕最著名”等。3. 教师提出下列问题,播放Listen and follow课文学习动画,请学生带着问题学习课文内容。What did Sally see in Harbin?What did Sally do in Harbin?3.1根据第一个问题,学习第一段课文。3.2由第一个问题,板书词组see the Ice and Snow Festival并教学。3.3请学生读第一段对话,巩固There was和There were的用法,如:There was a birthday party last night.I went to the park yesterday. There were many children there.3.4根据第二个问题,学习第二段课文。(1)教学make的过去式made。(2)教学词组made a snowman和句子Ben and I made a snowman. 并在黑板上Sally的头像下面画上或贴上一个雪人。(3)告诉学生,人称代词I在与其他人或其他人称代词连用时一定要放在后面,不可居首,如:“Ben and I”“You and I”“He and I”“You, he and I”等。(4)游戏唱反调。游戏规则:教师出示图片,学生分组说词组,如:第一组和第二组说:第三组和第四组说:游戏规则:教师出示图片,学生分组说词组,如: 第一组和第二组说: 第一组和第二组说: make dumplings made dumplings make New Years cards made New Years cards make paper flowers made paper flowers make my bed made my bed . .也可以是老师与个别学生说,还可以是学生A与学生B说。(5)教学句子I took a photo of it on my mobile. 帮助学生理解句中的it指的是snowman。(6)学习句子:Show me the photo, please.先教学单词show,然后教学该句子。教师告诉学生,这句话是表示请求,类似这种表示请求、命令、禁止、警戒的句子英语中称之为祈使句。如:Lets go to school. Stand up, please. Look at the man.等。4. 教师提出问题:“How do Wang Tao and Julia describe the snowman? Please read the third paragraph of the text.”学生自读课文第三段,然后回答问题。教师出示教学课件雪人图片,并板书:short and fat, a big red nose, a lovely snowman, 然后进行教学。5. 复习有关形容词的单词,并教学单词thin。教师出示卡片fat, short和big, 请学生边读边做相应的动作,然后教学这三个单词的反义词thin, long, tall和small, 并请学生用这些形容词来描述一下班级里的人或物,如: is tall.s hair is long. is thin.教师再出示lovely, beautiful, interesting, clever等单词卡片,采用相同的方法进行复习巩固活动。6. 教师整体播放Listen and follow课文动画,让学生模仿跟读,并注意语音语调。可以请学生看动画说课文内容,或者请学生分角色朗读对话。Step 3: Practice 1. 完成课本第5页的Look and say.部分。(1)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。(2)学生同桌合作,一起读一读四幅图下的内容,互相纠正语音语调。(3)请几位学生示范朗读。(4)教师再出示几幅图,请学生看图描述,如: A BLook at the elephant.Its tall and fat.Its a lovely elephant.Look at the baby monkey.Its thin and small.Its a clever monkey. C DShow me the bag, please.Which bag? The pink one. Show me the clock, please.Which clock?The big one. 2. 完成课本第5页的Read. Tick or cross部分。(1)请学生自读短文,独立完成练习。(2)全班核对答案。(3)全班读一读短文。3. 综合活动:我的一次旅游活动。1. 教学课件出示一幅中国地图和一幅福建地图,告诉学生自己去了哪些地方,并从中选出一个地方,根据自己的照片说一说自己的旅游经历,如:I went to Wuyishan in summer. I went there by car. Its hot and sunny. I climbed the Dawang Peak(大王峰). Its beautiful and famous. I traveled along the Jiuqu Stream(九曲溪). I took many photos.2. 请学生结合带来的照片,用简短的语句写一写自己的一次旅游经历。3. 每组选一位学生说一说自己的旅游经历。Step 4: Consolidation 1. 完成课本第7页的Listen and connect.部分。(1)教师播放录音,学生独立完成练习。(2)全班核对答案。(3)教师再次播放录音,学生模仿跟读。听力材料:A: Did you go anywhere in winter, Peter?B: I went back to Australia.A: How about you, Ma Li?B: I went back to Taiwan with my parents.A: Did you have a good time in winter, Lily?B: Yes. I went to the fair at the Spring Festival.A: Did you go to Hainan in winter, Yang Ming?B: No. I went to Changchun.A: Did you play in the snow?B:Yes. I made a snowman with my cousin.2. 学唱歌曲:Im a Little Snowman。Step 5: Summary师生一起总结本课所学的词汇和句型,鼓励学生提出问题。教师点评学生的表现。 Step 6: Homework1. 登陆优教同步学习网,观看课文Listen and follow.学习动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。2. 完成课本第8页的Evaluate
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