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.拼写单词1We were struck by the beauty of the West Lake, so we stopped to admire the beautiful scenery (风景)2Children should be trained (训练) from an early age in table manners.3Some experts (专家) think that language learning is much easier for children as their tongues are more flexible.4Camels (骆驼) are much better than horses for travelling in the desert area.5He took trains as far north as he could, then rented a motorbike (摩托车)6He has a license to shoot (射击) pheasants (野鸡) on the farmers land.7They planted the trees in the rich soil (土壤)8This summer I will make a long journey (旅行) from Beijing to Guangzhou.9Vast areas of land have become desert (沙漠)10This was their first family holiday together at the seaside (海滨).拓展词汇1abandoned adj.被遗弃的abandon v遗弃2distance n距离distant adj.遥远的3product n产品production n生产productive adj.多产的巧记单词合成词motorbikemotorbikeseasideseaside派生词abandonedabandon-edmidnightmid-night.补全短语1take off (飞机)起飞2not . any more 不再3be short for 是的缩写,简称4get on 上(车、船等)5get_off 下(车、船等)6shoot_at_sb./sth. 向某人/物开枪7get into 上(车)8get out of 下(车)9in the air 在空中10at midnight 在半夜11refer to 指的是;涉及12allow sb. to do . 允许某人做1教材原句What do you think the central part of the country is like?你认为这个国家的中部是什么样的?句型点拨疑问词do you think/believe/suppose .其他。佳句赏析你认为在我们的社会里哪些人会触犯法律?Who do you think breaks the law in our society?2教材原句And what a ride!多么精彩的一次乘车旅行啊!句型点拨what引导的感叹句。佳句赏析她一听说她已被重点大学录取了,立刻就觉得心中除去了一个很沉重的负担。What a great weight she felt taken off her mind the moment she heard she had been admitted to a key university.3教材原句The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s.直到20世纪20年代,阿富汗人和他们的骆驼一直做着这样的工作。句型点拨until引导时间状语从句。佳句赏析在委员会通过之前,我们决不能开始这个项目。We shall not start the project until it has been approved by the committee. 1Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport.(P21)一些动词不止是指一种交通方式。refer to 指的是,提到;谈到;涉及What I am going to say refers to all of you.我要说的事和你们大家有关。refer to sb.指的是某人;提及某人refer to sth. 参考;查阅;提及refer to . as . 将称为 This incident in his childhood is never again referred_to. 他小时候的这件事永远不要再提了。California is_referred (refer) to as the “Golden State”加利福尼亚被称作“黄金之州”。名师点津(1)refer过去式、过去分词referred;现在分词referring。 (2)查字典:refer to a dictionaryturn to a dictionaryconsult a dictionarylook sth. up in a dictionary。2Which of them can you use to travel a long distance?(P21)你可以乘坐哪些交通工具进行远距离旅行?distance n距离;路程;远方A good cyclist can cover distances of over a hundred miles a day.自行车骑得好的人一天可以行驶一百多英里。(1)in the distance在远方,在远处at a distance 稍远处from a distance 从远方at a distance of 在远的地方keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持距离,不接近某人(2)distant adj. 遥远的;(指人)远亲的,冷淡的The sound of the car died away in the distance.小轿车发出的噪音消逝在远处。The fire which lights us at_a_distance will burn us when near.远火能照亮,近火要烧人。They feel most comfortable at_a_distance_of about 50 centimeters.他们认为合适的距离是50厘米左右。3take off (P21)脱下;起飞;休假;成功一词多义写出下列句中take off的含义Take off your coat and roll up your sleeves, please.脱掉The plane took off five minutes ago.起飞It was in 2012 that her acting career really took off.成功take away 拿走;带走take up 占去,占据(时间、地位等);从事take down 记下,拆卸 take on 呈现;承担take over 接管,接任take place 发生I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldnt want to take_up too much of your time.我知道你一定很忙,当然我不想占用你太多的时间。She took_over the job after he left.他离开以后,她接替了他的工作。4And what a ride!(P23)多精彩的旅程啊!本句是一个省略式的感叹句。其完整形式为:And what a ride it was! 感叹句型表示说话者的惊异、喜悦、沮丧等情绪。what用来修饰名词,how用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。What hardworking people these farmers are!这些农民是多么勤劳的人啊!(1)What(2)HowHow excited we were at the news that we won first place.听到我们赢得第一名这个消息时,我们多么激动啊!What_a_clever_boy his brother is!How_clever_a_boy his brother is!他弟弟是多么聪明的孩子啊!5We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs, right in the middle of Australia, more than four thousand kilometres away.(P23)我们在悉尼上车,在澳大利亚中部的艾丽斯斯普林斯下车,行程四千多千米。get on 上(车、船等),进展,进行,相处;继续进行下去Li Lei is getting on the bus, while Li Ming is getting off it.李明下车时李雷正好上车。get off下(车;船等)get into 上(小汽车/出租车)get out of 下(小汽车/出租车)When I get_into the car, there were already 5 people in it.当我上车时,车里已经坐了5个人。I got_out_of the taxi, with only 20 yuan in my pocket.我下了出租车,兜里只剩下20元钱。6We ate great meals cooked by experts! (P23)我们吃的美味饭菜是由烹饪大师做的!句中cooked by experts是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰meals,表示被动的含义。相当于定语从句 which were cooked by experts。 Can you give me a ride?Sorry.There is no room left in my car.您能让我搭乘一下便车吗?对不起,我的车里没有空间了。 (1)单个的过去分词作定语一般放在被修饰的名称之前,作前置定语;而过去分词短语作定语常后置,表示动作的完成或被动。(2)动词ing形式也可作定语表示动作的进行或主动。People nowadays seem to have enjoyed the great benefits brought (bring) about b
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