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.拼写单词1Dont bother (麻烦) to carry the bag for me. I can manage it myself.2As you approach (接近) the town, youll see the college on the left.3A recent survey (调查) found that 58% of people did not know where their heart is.4She seemed pretty (相当) satisfied with the result.5After he came back from abroad, he decided to settle down in his hometown (家乡)6Many local (当地的) shops will be forced to close if the new supermarket is built.7She sounds (听起来) just the person we need for the job.8There were lots of kids in my neighbourhood (居住区) when I was growing up.拓展词汇1starve v饿死 starvation n挨饿;饿死2tourist n旅游者;观光者 tour v观光;旅游 tourism n旅游业3fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地 fortune n运气;财富4attractive adj.有吸引力的 attract v吸引 attraction n吸引;爱慕5suburb n城郊;郊区 suburban adj.城郊的 urban adj.城市的;都市的 巧记单词派生词attractiveattract-ivefortunatefortune-atetouristtour-istarchitecturearchitect-ure.补全短语1put up 修建2starve to death 饿死3put off 推迟;延期4for a while 一会儿5on the coast 在海岸线上6be similar to 与相似7walk around 四处走走8be made of 由制成1教材原句And this is the first time Ive visited your hometown.这是我第一次访问你的家乡。句型点拨This/That/It is the first time that .“这是某人第一次做”。佳句赏析这是我们第一次一家人一起去电影院看电影。This is the first time we have seen a film in the cinema together as a family.2教材原句Whats the climate like?气候怎么样?句型点拨Whats . like?“怎么样?”佳句赏析你的弟弟怎么样?What is your little brother like?3教材原句A friends told me about a nice little fish restaurant near here. 有个朋友告诉我这附近有一家不错的小渔馆。句型点拨多个形容词修饰名词时形容词的排列顺序。佳句赏析山脚下有一些美丽的小红花。There are some beautiful little red flowers at the foot of the mountain.1Its been six years since we last saw each other, you know.(P32)你知道,自从上次我们见面以来已经六年了。It has been/is一段时间since . 表示“自从以来至今已经多久了”,since引导时间状语从句,此句中谓语动词常用一般过去时。若是it was一段时间since .,则since从句中用过去完成时。It is three years since he left China.他离开中国已经三年了。(1)It was/will be一段时间before .过了一段时间就发生了某事/要过多久才能发生某事。(2)It is/was时间点when .当时已是什么时候了。It was ten years since I_had_graduated_from_the_Beijing_University我从北京大学毕业已经十年了。It will be a long time before we meet them again.要过很长时间我们才能与他们相见。It_was_already_midnight_when I returned home from my office last night. 昨天晚上我从办公室回到家时已是半夜了。名师点津since引导的从句中的动词常用非延续动词,翻译时是肯定的,表示“自从多久了”;since引导的从句中的动词为延续性动词,翻译是否定的,即动作发生时间的起点应从该动作结束时算起,表示“自从该动作结束以来已有多久了”。How long is it since we visited your mother? 自从我们看望你母亲以来到现在有多长时间了?It has been two years since I stayed there. 自从我离开那儿已经两年了。2And this is the first time Ive visited your hometown.(P32)这是我第一次到你的家乡来。本句结构为:It/This/That is the序数词/lasttime(次数)that sb. have/has done sth.表示“是某人第一、二/最后一次做某事”。当主句用一般现在时时,that从句中的谓语用现在完成时;当主句用一般过去时时,that从句中的谓语用过去完成时,并且在口语中that还可省略。It is the second time that she has fallen asleep in math class.这是她第二次在数学课上睡着了。表示“是某人做某事的时候了”的句型:It is time for sb./sth. .It is time (for sb.) to do sth. .It is (high) time that sb. did/should do sth. It was the third time that she had_come (come) to this mountain village to see the children.这是她第三次来到这个山村看望这些孩子。Its_time_for school.该上学了。Its high time I went/should_go (go) to Beijing to see my son.我该去北京看我的儿子了。3.but this is one of the most attractive places Ive been to.(P32)但这是我到过的最吸引人的地方之一。attractive adj.有吸引力的;吸引人的Your proposal sounds very attractive. 你的建议很有吸引力。(1)be attractive to 对有吸引力(2)attract v. 吸引;引起(注意)attract . to . 把吸引到attract ones attention 引起某人的注意力(3)attraction n. 魅力;吸引人的事物 What attracts you to him? He is so boring.他有什么吸引你的,他很烦人。The girl wearing a skirt attracted_my_attention immediately.那个身穿裙子的女孩立即吸引了我的注意。The Tower of London is a great attraction to tourists.伦敦塔对游客有很大的吸引力。4I feel very fortunate living here. And I love living by the seaside.(P32)居住在这儿我深感幸运。我喜欢住在海边。fortunate adj.幸运的,吉祥的I was fortunate to have/in having a good teacher. 我很幸运,有位好老师。(1)be fortunate to do某人做某事运气好be fortunate to do/(in)doing . (在)做某事(上)幸运It is fortunate that . 是幸运的(2)fortune n. 运气;财富;幸运It_was_fortunate_that we all passed the exam.很幸运我们都通过了考试。I had the good fortune to be chosen for a trip abroad.我真幸运,被选中出国旅行。5Whats the climate like?(P32)气候怎么样?whatbe主语like?句型,相当于Howbe主语?意为“怎么样”,该句型用来:(1) 询问对人或事物的评价和感想;(2) 询问人的外貌、性格、品质等;(3) 询问事物的外观、特征等。Whats your new teacher like? He is tall and handsome. He is very kind to us students.你的新老师怎么样?他高大、英俊,而且对我们学生非常好。Hows the film tonight? Wonderful.今晚的电影怎么样?非常精彩。英语中询问某人或某事的状况的句型:(1) What do/does主语look like?询问人的外貌特征(2)What do/does主语do?询问人的工作情况(3)What do you think of .?/How do you like/find .? 询问对某人或某事的观点看法(4)How/What aboutn./doing .?询问建议What about playing_football now? 现在踢足球怎么样?What_do_you_think_of /_How_do_you_like the
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