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Unit 12What did you do last weekend?Period 5Section B 3a-Self Check【课型】写作课和自我检测课学习目标1.能熟练运用本单元重点词汇和动词词组的一般过去时谈论周末情况。2.能根据提供的写作样板(主题句、写作顺序、写作语言)独立完成一篇叙述自己上周末情况的短文。3.掌握一般过去时的各种句型并能在具体的语境中运用。学习过程【自主学习】你上周末过得愉快吗?都做了哪些事情?请你按照你的想法把周末活动填入空白处。【新课导入】Step 1:Lead-in看图,谈论教师的周末活动。【新知呈现】Step 2:Presentation看图,填空。 I had a weekend.On Saturday morning,I and then I .In the afternoon,I.On Saturday night,I .On Sunday morning,I and .In the afternoon,I .On Saturday night,I .【新知学习】Step 3:Writing 3a看图,完成短文。I had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning,I cleaned my room.In the afternoon,I .It was a little difficult.On Saturday night,I stayed at home and cook dinner.On Sunday morning,I .I read a book about history.Then in the afternoon,I with my friends.On Sunday night,I .I saw an interesting talk show.Step 4:Writing 3b写写自己的周末。并根据下列要素,自评作文。(1)Is there a topic sentence?(2)Is there a timeline?(3)Did he/she use the past tense verbs?(4)Are there any spelling mistakes?(5)Are there any grammatical mistakes?Step 5:Self Check 1完成表格。 out with friends for a walk apples photosfly a milk a camp the lakestudy a testStep 6:Self Check 24.完成对话。A:I had a school trip last week.B:Really.(go)?A:I visited the fire station.B:(go with)?A:I went with my classmates.B:(do)?A:We watched the firefighters work.What an interesting job they have!B:(learn anything)?A:Sure.We learned how to call the fire station and what to do when there is a fire.【拓展提升】先写出下列动词的过去式。再用下列动词过去式形式编个小故事。比比谁最棒。gopicktakeflymilkcampstudy_跟踪训练1.Did you (have)a good weekend?Yes,I did.I (have)a nice weekend.I (go)to the beach.2.My mother (not do)housework yesterday because she was very tired.3.Did your father (make)a kite for you at home?4.(be)it cold in your town yesterday?5.Last summer my family and I (swim)in a river.6.When we looked out of our tent,we (see)a big snake sleeping near the fire.【课堂练习】Bobs weekendAre you often free on weekends?Bob had a busy weekend last week.(1)On Saturday morning,he went to visit his grandmother with his parents. His grandmother lives in a beautiful village.There Bob went to the mountains with his cousin.After dinner,he went shopping at Haorizi Supermarket.In the evening,he saw an interesting talk show.On Sunday morning,Bob wanted to play soccer,but(2)it was rained very hard,so he had to stay at home.He wanted to play the guitar,but he couldnt find his guitar.So he did some reading and watched TV.In the afternoon,(3)他帮助妈妈做家务,然后和爸爸下象棋。In the evening,he studied for the coming math test,(4)then it was time to go to bed.1.对(1)处的黑体部分提问。On Saturday morning, he with his parents?2.改正(2)处的错误。_3.将(3)处译成英语。_4.将(4)处译成汉语。_5.回答下面的问题:What did Bob do on Sunday morning?_自我反思1.在今后的学习过程中我会用构建单元话题思维导图的学习策略来指导我的学习了。2.写周末活动的作文时我要注意以下三点:(1)有主题:我可以用的主题句是 (2)有顺序:我的写作顺序是 (3)有语言:我的写作内容有 3.我的易错点是: 参考答案【自主学习】略跟踪训练1.have;had;went2.didnt do3.make4.Was 5.swam6.saw【课堂练习】1.what did;do2.it rained very hard3.he helped his mother do housework,then played chess with his father.4.然后就到睡觉的时间了。5.He did some reading and watched TV.5
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